A non-technical exploration of the science and engineering of consumer products using hands-on activities in the laboratory. Students learn about and make a different class of product each lab period -- examples include shampoo, hand sanitizer, body lotion, and lip balm.
UnitsPass no pass
Grading1, 2, 3
PasstimeInter collegiate athletes only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis class was very chill and only met the first five weeks of the quarter. There wasn't too much teaching and a majority of the class time was spent making various cosmetic products. As long as you show up and do the experiments, it's an easy pass.
Definitely one of the best and most captivating professors in chemical engineering. Professor Squires does a good job covering all the topics while keeping class moral high.
I loved him, i had him for an INT class about making shampoo, conditioner, lip gloss, aloe vera, and many more. I thought the class would be more information than hands-on but he just gives a brief description of how these items are being made and lets us get to work!
Professor Squires is a legend of the department. Although this class was difficult at times due to time intervals between homework, so some due diligence was required to learn the material, both course exams were fair and suited to the class content. He is an excellent mentor in chemical engineering and cares so deeply for his students.
not much homeworks, straightforward tests. Tests are very similar to homework and his notes. he clearly knows the stuff and it is easy to tell what he wants us to focus on and really get out of the class. only problem is that his notes do get a little sloppy
My favorite Professor at UCSB. Though he is busy with his other comitments, he tries really hard to make sure his students get the education they signed up for. Homework is generally straight forward and tests are just like slightly harder homeworks. He is also very casual with the way he talks with students which makes him very approachable.