This seminar explores the widespread phenomenon of collecting from a wide variety of perspectives, including personal (as self-expression), institutional (as social structures of value and knowledge), psychological (as a mode of knowing the world, also as obsession), sociological (in terms of class, gender, sexuality), economic (as a form of market), historical (from evolutionary roots through the history of consciousness), and artistic (as art!). For full seminar description go to College of Letters & Science Academic Programs website:

Prerequisites: Freshman standing.



Pass no pass


1, 2, 3


Inter collegiate athletes only

Level Limit

Letters and science

William Davies King
37 reviews
Winter 2024 . King W D
TD-W 2517
17:00 PM - 17:50 PM
Fall 2024 . King W D
TD-W 2517
17:00 PM - 17:50 PM
INT 86HZ King W D Winter 2024 Total: 20
See All
INT86HZ . King W D 3 Months Ago

Super nice person, and extremely passionate about collecting! Discussion posts on short articles + a brief presentation on a collection of your own. On occasion he would bring his own collections for us to look at which was super cool. Take this class if you need some units.

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THTR1 . King W D 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Really sweet prof and you can tell how passionate he is about the material. Many of the assignments (3 papers, written final) were really convoluted, but your TA will likely clarify what they are looking for (they also aren't very hard). Don't worry about skipping lecture, you'll be fine. Super chill class but final was rough.

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THTR180A . King W D 2 Years Ago

I knew I was going to love this class and I was not disappointed! The material was super interesting and Dr. King was so kind. He is clearly passionate about what he does and that shows in his lectures. He expects a lot from students and isn't just going to hand you an A, but if you do the work and show interest in the class you'll be fine.

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THTR180A . King W D 2 Years Ago

You're graded based on 2 essays and 2 tests and some participation. Pretty easy and straight forward class. But his lectures are so long I felt like 80 years went by by the time class ended. He just rambles in for 2 hours about random stuff from the plays. Chill guy tho. Hes old school type of bro

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THTR182A . King W D 2 Years Ago

Do not take his class! The guy is so boring and tiring that I want to just leave his class! This guy does not know how to talk straight to the point! I ask him a question, for improving my grade, and he does absolutely nothing to help me improve my grade!! Such a bad teacher and professor! Do not take his class! You will regret it afterward! Boring

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THTR182A . King W D 2 Years Ago

Such a bad professor to begin with. His lectures are extremely tiring and boring. Wanna get some sleep in class, go take his class. You will fall asleep and get some good rest. Such a bad class, I would never take again

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See all 37 reviews
0 / 12 Enrolled
First Year Exploration Seminars
Todd Squires 4.5
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
100.0% A
0 / 12 Enrolled
First Year Exploration Seminars
Todd Squires 4.5
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
100.0% A
12 / 12 Full
First Year Exploration Seminars
Squires T M
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
100.0% A
11 / 20 Enrolled
Navigating Neurodiversity in College
Grue M N
09:00 AM - 09:50 AM
0 / 12 Enrolled
First Year Exploration Seminars
Todd Squires 4.5
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
100.0% A
12 / 12 Full
First Year Exploration Seminars
Squires T M
13:00 PM - 14:50 PM
100.0% A