Study of the interactions among water, landforms, soil, and vegetation that create and modify the surface of the Earth. Impacts of physical environment on human societies and humans as agents of environmental change.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeProfessor King explains concepts with clarity and precision and puts effort into making lectures interesting. No midterms or finals but weekly assignments require critical thinking. She and her TA are approachable and pleasant to interact with during office hours. Beware - attendance matters and counts for a considerable part of your grade.
i was really nervous to take this class just given the name of it but Professor King was so awesome. the class is so interesting, her TA is awesome, and the sections are fun! i struggled the first week but after going to office hours and making friends in the class it became my favorite course this quarter. don't get intimidated by the course name!
class is a pain. 2 midterms 1 final, 3 difficult assignments, 1 group project. dont take unless you must
King is an excellent prof, should be teaching at Stanford or Harvard or something. Well thought out class, helpful, clear. Throws some curve balls (know your geochem!) but otherwise a great professor.
Professor King was great! She cared a lot and made the structure of the course very easy. Attendance was mandatory but all assignments and quizzes were online on gauchospace. There was an unlimited amount of time for the quizzes and assignments and no midterm or final so the class was great!
Professor King is the best professor in UCSB geog department!