Jeremy Douglass

26 reviews
Lecture heavy Gives good feedback Caring Get ready to read Respected Clear grading criteria Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Group projects Amazing lectures Lots of homework Hilarious So many papers Graded by few things Accessible outside class
Past quarters
35 / 35 Full
Games, Books, and Gamebooks
Jeremy Douglass 3.4
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
65.2% A
14 / 15 Enrolled
Honors English Senior Thesis Preparation
Jeremy Douglass 3.4
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
97.5% A
See All
ENGL 198H Douglass J H Spring 2024 Total: 17
ENGL 146PB Douglass J H Winter 2024 Total: 38
ENGL 147VN Douglass J H Winter 2024 Total: 41
ENGL 147AB Douglass J H Spring 2023 Total: 41
See All
ENGL146 . Douglass J H 11 Months Ago

(146PB) Does not post the course/syllabus on Canvas until the first day of lecture. Disorganized lectures and class, but very passionate about the material and cares a lot about students. Gives in-depth feedback. This class was a hot mess but prof was clearly trying his best and open to any student feedback/questions. Easy A if you put in effort.

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ENG147 . Douglass J H 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

one of the most fun courses I've taken at UCSB was Audiobooks/Podcasts with Prof. Douglass. he gives really detailed feedback and wants to help you explore topics and themes that are actually interesting to you. it's definitely worth it to go chat with him during office hours while you're working on the different projects throughout the quarter!

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ENG147 . Douglass J H 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Audiobooks and Podcasts class. He is so caring. Let me catch up on so much work and asked me a few times throughout the quarter how he can best support me. Got to build and record on a record cutter as my final. Super organized. We wrote radio scripts and study literary audio. responded to my emails super fast! Helped create a plan for me to pass.

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INT36GS . Douglass J H 4 Years Ago

He is a true expert on games and other interactive works. However, he is not very organized, and it sometimes creates problems. For instance, his lectures and assignments can be unclear. I'd still recommend, because the man is a genius.

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ENGL147VN . Douglass J H 5 Years Ago

Not a great lecturer. It's hard to tell if he has a goal or lesson plan in mind for the day because he just stands and talks while occasionally pointing at the projected screen. However, his class activities are great and kept me engaged with assigned readings. More of a hands-on kind of person. Reading material is interesting too.

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ENGL146 . Douglass J H 5 Years Ago

This was a fun class!! Class materials were actually super interesting, and it felt great to get such extensive feedback on assignments. He very obviously cares about his students and if they have a handle on the material. Sometimes he can drone on about games you don't know, but it's enjoyable to watch. Grading is well-balanced and fair.

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ENGL10 . Douglass J H 7 Years Ago

If you get stuck with this guy for ENGL 10 I'm sorry. If you have the chance to wait another quarter to get another professor do it. The lectures will put you to sleep and the books are terrible. Only good things are TAs do the grading and there's minimal assignments.

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ENGL10 . Douglass J H 7 Years Ago

Professor Douglass really tries to make this class as interesting as possible for lower div English and mixed majors. He chooses non canonical texts and digital literature to engage students. Really does the very best he can for a class of 500 and makes undergrads feel like they matter

2 helpful 1 unhelpful
ENGL10 . Douglass J H 7 Years Ago

His lectures are not organized or planned. He stands on stage and seems to make up whatever he is going to say right then and there. There is no point or purpose to gather. This course is the worst I have ever had yet.

4 helpful 2 unhelpful
ENGL10 . Douglass J H 8 Years Ago

Professor Douglass is overly confusing and his class expectations are unclear. I didn't gain anything by going to lecture. I still have no idea what I was supposed to have learned from his class and it's now finals week. Grades consist of three homework assignments, section participation/lecture attendance, a final paper, and a final exam.

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
ENGL10 . Douglass J H 8 Years Ago

Professor Douglass's lectures are quite possibly the longest and most pointless lectures I've ever encountered at UCSB. I mean, he's a great guy but he seems like he just talks endlessly to fill up the class time, constantly repeating things or talking forever about insignificant things. There's 3 main novels you read, along with many assignments.

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ENGL10 . Douglass J H 8 Years Ago

I took ENGL10 with Jeremy in Winter of 16. Jeremy's lectures go off on SO many tangents that I never know what the actual lecture is about. He doesn't seem prepared. I once went to his office hours and talked with him about a grade that I wasn't sure about from a TA, & he changed it and gave me an A. There are better classes to get an A in though

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