This seminar focuses on practice-based issues linked to student teaching and includes such topics as classroom environmental, assessment centered teaching, lesson design, integration of the arts, and uses around school policy. Topics differ each quarter, building on student teachers developing expertise.

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing and enrollment in the Multiple Credential Program.

1 - 2


Pass no pass


1, 2, 3


Graduate students only

Level Limit

Graduate school

Angela Ellis
10 reviews

Time location TBD

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Spring 2024 . Ellis B D
Summer 2024 . Ellis B D
ED 3112
11:05 AM - 13:20 PM
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ED 370 Ellis B D Summer 2023 Total: 0
ED 370 Ellis B D Spring 2023 Total: 0
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ITAL3 . 12 Years Ago

Amazingly helpful. I took Ital3 over the summer an she cut it down to fit the shorter quarter. She truly cares that her students learn the language. Fair exams.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
ITAL1 . 14 Years Ago

I would avoid this teacher. I watched her annihilate a female student in my class every day until the student disappeared several weeks later. I saw one of the tests from that female student when the teacher past it back and it was a high A mark. She was consistently cruel to this poor lady who was quite and seemed nice.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
ITAL1 . 15 Years Ago

She was a really great teacher, she really works hard to be clear and helpful, I would absolutely recommend her class. I'm taking her Ital 2 next quarter!

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ITAL5 . 16 Years Ago

By far one of the greatest teachers at UCSB, she made learning Italian both easy and fun. She's a hilarious lady and makes going to class very enjoyable. Definitely recommended!

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ITALIANO1 . 18 Years Ago

She is an awesome lady and teacher! You makes everything extremely simple and also makes class fun! She is totally helpful and just a cool signora!

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
ITALIAN . 19 Years Ago

I loved her. She was one of the greatest teachers I had in college. She was an inspiration for me to continue studying Italian. Her enthusiam for teaching made class a great experience. Go Angela!!!! Oh yes and what a classy lady.

0 helpful 0 unhelpful
See all 10 reviews
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