Angela Ellis

10 reviews
Past quarters
19 / 20 Enrolled
Elementary Social Studies Teaching Methods
Angela Ellis 4.6
16:00 PM - 18:50 PM
95.5% A
ED 370
5 / 10 Enrolled
Professional Seminar in Teaching: Elementary
Angela Ellis 4.6
ITAL3 . 12 Years Ago

Amazingly helpful. I took Ital3 over the summer an she cut it down to fit the shorter quarter. She truly cares that her students learn the language. Fair exams.

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ITAL1 . 14 Years Ago

I would avoid this teacher. I watched her annihilate a female student in my class every day until the student disappeared several weeks later. I saw one of the tests from that female student when the teacher past it back and it was a high A mark. She was consistently cruel to this poor lady who was quite and seemed nice.

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ITAL1 . 15 Years Ago

She was a really great teacher, she really works hard to be clear and helpful, I would absolutely recommend her class. I'm taking her Ital 2 next quarter!

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ITAL5 . 16 Years Ago

By far one of the greatest teachers at UCSB, she made learning Italian both easy and fun. She's a hilarious lady and makes going to class very enjoyable. Definitely recommended!

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ITALIANO1 . 18 Years Ago

She is an awesome lady and teacher! You makes everything extremely simple and also makes class fun! She is totally helpful and just a cool signora!

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ITALIAN . 19 Years Ago

I loved her. She was one of the greatest teachers I had in college. She was an inspiration for me to continue studying Italian. Her enthusiam for teaching made class a great experience. Go Angela!!!! Oh yes and what a classy lady.

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ITALIAN . 19 Years Ago

love this woman! she is the epitome of a classy italian female and a great teacher.

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5 . 19 Years Ago

Donatella Versace

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ITAL2ITAL3 . 19 Years Ago

Great professor, adapts the workload to the pace of the class, offers a reasonable challenge while ensuring that the language is retained. On top of all that, Angela is a really delightful person who cares about her students. And really a fun person to be aronud to finish my comments off.

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ITALIAN56 . 19 Years Ago

This woman is fabulous!!! Love her teaching style, puts a lot of emphasis on the practice of speaking Italian in class which is super helpful. Friendly, dynamic, way cool professor.

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