Focuses on the essential elements of poetry writing. Students learn the basics of diction, figuration, meter, lineation, rhyme, rhythm, and voice. Students explore the power of oral and written verse as an individual and communal act. What is at stake in choosing to write poetry? How does poetry express the truth of reality? How do poems imagine and create new political and social worlds? Coursework involves a combination of written assignments, peer workshops, and public readings.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI will not tolerate all the Rana slander. Sure, she gets nervous in her lectures, but she is an extremely nice and caring teacher, and I loved all the readings she recommended. I used to have faith in RMF ratings, but you are all just being mean. Maybe she's not the most energetic lecturer ever but everyone has their own style. Solid lectures!!!
If you are looking for an easy GE this is def not the course. The material is interesting and engaging and the exams are easy as long as you do all the reading. That being said there is ALOT of reading. We read 4 novels plus about 20 other readings. There are 2 exams and 2 essays that make up basically the whole grade.
the midterms and final are just memorizing. we read way too much stuff and she quizzes us on identifying texts which is annoying. the essays were fine but get ready to read lots of full novels and long readings to identify a single line for your grade.
Don't take this class if you want to keep your will to live. Personally, I would not take this class or professor knowing what I know now about the class. Lectures are dry and sometimes, professor rana sighs at the start of lecture, telling me she doesn't even want to be there. Sections are ok.
NOT an easy GE. Lots of reading (full novels) and she doesn't post lecture slides even if you are sick. Lectures are dull and the professor scatters her thoughts a lot. The midterm had identification which was hard since we read a lot of long/boring texts and random sentences from long passages were selected. The class is made unnecessarily hard.
Took this class as a GE and was not prepared for how dense all the material is. Lecture attendance is not mandatory but might as well be mandatory because you cannot succeed in this class without diligently taking notes. This class also does not allow P/NP. There were 2 essays worth 20% and 30%, a midterm 20%, final 20%, and participation 10%.