Using Chicano studies topics, the course will introduce students to: (1) the epistemology of scientific inquiry (its history and contemporary movements); (2) the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative methodologies; and (3) the mechanisms of research design (transforming an idea into a research plan).

Prerequisites: Chicano Studies 1A or 1B or 1C or upper-division standing.





1, 2, 3



Level Limit

Letters and science

Mario Garcia
82 reviews
Spring 2024 . Garcia S
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
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CH ST 110 Garcia S Spring 2024 Total: 34
CH ST 110 Garcia S Spring 2023 Total: 28
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CHST168B . Garcia M T 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Mario was probably the best professor I've had at UCSB. Not only was he caring, but his lectures were also soo interesting. Definitely, my favorite class I've taken at UCSB. I highly recommend taking CH168 with him. There's not a lot of homework, only readings. The tests aren't hard as long as you pay attention to the lectures and the readings.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 2 Years Ago

5 books written by him..very one-sided if you ask me.+stayed online when he couldve done inperson-- idrc about that but he just reused 2020 videos (it's 2022 rn) which really just isn't cool i think only one of the books couldn't be found online (i of course mean legally guys!) not hard tho ig u can take the class just dont expect much from prof

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1A . Garcia M T 2 Years Ago

Easy class, weekly quizzes requires reading and watching the lectures. But midterms and Finals are super easy.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 2 Years Ago

I enjoyed taking Chicano Studies, the material was fascinating to learn about and the class was easy overall. The only complaint was that we had five required readings which seemed like a lot for a GE but the readings was very fascinating. The weekly quizzes were easy as long as you did the readings and attended lecture. Final was also manageable.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 2 Years Ago

I loved Prof Garcia & this class! He seems to really care and doesn't get too complex with the material. Weekly quizzes every Monday are based on the past week's lectures/readings and are super straightforward. Section participation is required but manageable. As long as you stay on top of the reading and lectures, you'll be fine.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 2 Years Ago

Pretty cool GE class with fascinating subject matter. Slightly strict with some policies but not a hard class if you do the reading.

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See all 82 reviews
CH ST 99
0 / 10 Enrolled
Independent Studies
CH ST 109
26 / 35 Enrolled
Indigenous People and the Nation State in the Americas
Micaela Diaz Sanchez 2.9
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
69.0% A
CH ST 113
54 / 60 Enrolled
Critical Introduction to Ancient Mesoamerica
Gerardo Aldana 3.1
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
33.0% A
CH ST 128
24 / 25 Enrolled
Xicana(x) Visual Traditions
Celia Rodriguez 5.0
14:00 PM - 16:50 PM
67.4% A
CH ST 151
46 / 60 Closed
De-Colonizing Feminism
Ralph Armbruster-Sandoval 4.2 Chela Sandoval 2.7
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
71.8% A
CH ST 180
38 / 35 Full
Survey of Chicano Literature
Carl Gutierrez-Jones 4.8 Mariacutea Gutierrez-Mag 5.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
58.4% A