The changing relationship between indigenous people and the state. Compare the differences and similarities between indigenous peoples' mobilizations in the cases of Canada, USA, Ecuador, Chile, Guatemala, Bolivia and Mexico.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeThis class satisfy a lot of things. There are a lot of long readings, and one week we needed to read an entire book. Weekly quizzes were ok, and the grading was ok at first. However for the final paper, my TA thought my outline was good, and after I wrote a paper based on the outline, I got a D on the final paper.
Prof was very kind but the class was incredibly boring. No exams, five online quizzes, section participation, two 1-page lecture reflections, and a 5 page final essay. I got an A and only went to lecture twice during the whole quarter. If you just need the GE credit then go for it. If you actually want to learn something, look for a different prof.
She really cares about the subject and is sweet. Only five quizzes and a few short papers and a final paper which really was a reflection on how the material in the quarter affected our perception of gender. Amazing class.
This class was so important to attend lecture for, that she had to send out a passive aggressive email about it every single week. Readings are insanely out of touch for an introductory lower division class. Extremely self-righteous.
I legitimately enjoyed this class, but it was mainly taught by the TA's it seemed. Marina Chavez was really great. The readings were inspirational, but super long, and I loved the discussions w/ the authors. I'm conflicted, the course was great, the professor not so much. I don't think I talked to her once during the quarter. Eye-opening. Not hard.
she slacked off a lot and was passive aggressive when confronted. left everything (guest lectures/reflections/final paper) for the last 3 weeks even though the syllabus said otherwise. very little communication with students and didn't answer emails. readings were heavy and her lectures (always late) were mostly just quotes from the book. don't rec