Calculus of functions of several variables, vector valued functions of one variable, derivative and integrals of vector functions, double and triple integrals, properties and applications of integrals, change of variables.
PasstimeUndergraduate students only
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeDa Goat somehow got 100% on the midterm
the class wasn't even that bad, he was just new. it was a lot of self-studying and finding your own resources, but the math department just sucks imo so nothing new. we were allowed a cheat sheet for the midterm and final, and he curved. the questions on the exams were sometimes similar to practice midterm. generous with points + slightly curved
Probably a good person and excelled at fitness.
Avoid this professor. Lectures are long and boring with no sense of composure, just poorly narrating as he scribbles on the board. I don't think he's even looked at the homework he assigns as half the problems are absurdly hard or completely irrelevant to the lecture. You are going to have to bust your ass watching youtube videos and online notes
Literally reading and re-write his confusing notes onto the board and giving little and confusing intuitives. Giving homework questions unrelated or untaught, literally learnt the course by learning homework questions and watch YouTube. Ridiculous final, questions not covering the course but too hard.
super confusing guidelines, i.e we were allowed a calculator for the midterm but suddenly weren't allowed a calculator for the final. that would be fine if he had emailed about it beforehand but he never said anything about it even during the exam, only saying so in tiny font on the first page of his exam. hws were difficult and lectures didnt help