
Rate My Professors (40)

ENG105A . 4 Years Ago

Professor Rose should truly be performing onstage because the magic he weaves into every Shakespeare reading is truly something else. He makes every lecture interesting and plays a song correlating to the class discussion for that day. If you attend lecture and do the reading youll easily pass the extra credit quizzes and the final. Love this man

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ENG105B . 5 Years Ago

Professor Rose is awesome. He comes to class with a smile on his face and for the first few minutes he plays old-timey music and just smiles. He's so passionate about Shakespeare, it is contagious. Grading and structure are clear from day 1. Two essays, 4 quizzes on the first 4 plays then a rather hefty final with the 5th play's quiz included.

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ENG105A . 5 Years Ago

Professor Rose is truly one of the best professors at UCSB, and he only comes to teach once a year (during Winter Quarter) so make sure you take his class before he leaves again! All of the readings, assignments, and essays were quite easy. Quizzes as well if you attend lecture and read!

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ENGL105B . 6 Years Ago

Mark Rose is a real diamond in the rough. 10/10 would take his class again. He just has a way of breathing life into the plays, and as long as you go to lecture, you'll do fine on the quizzes. Just make sure to actually put work into the two papers and you'll be fine!

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ENG105B . 6 Years Ago

This class is based on five quizzes on the five books (lowest one dropped), two papers, and a final. It honestly wasn't that bad. I didn't read a single book and just read sparknotes. Remember the details he goes over in lecture though!! He is very enthusiastic about shakespeare which makes the class enjoyable, even if you don't like shakespeare

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ENGL105B . 6 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Prof. Rose this quarter, you can tell how much he likes Shakespeare, and the highlight of every class is when he opens it with music. There's a lot of work to be put in, and it's not an easy A, but Prof. Rose cares about the content, and he makes it interesting. Definitely take if Shakespeare your deal.

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ENG105B . 8 Years Ago

By far the most PASSIONATE educator I've ever had. He breathes Shakespeare's plays into life. This man deserves an award! I've always liked Shakespeare but this man's lectures are on another level. He is so, so insightful. Beautifully creative, tragically older than most professors, won't be teaching much longer, sadly. Take him while you can!!

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ENG105B . 8 Years Ago

Amazing lecturer and really cares for Shakespeare! So passionate too. The TA you get really matters as they great your work. Take Movsesian. Her sections are amazing.

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ENG105B . 8 Years Ago

Make sure you do the reading or at least Sparknote! Rose is an amazing professor with a lot of energy and enthusiasm for Shakespeare. He makes class very fun and engaging.

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ENGL105B . 8 Years Ago

Easily the best professor I've had so far. His lectures are incredible and extremely insightful. I didn't go into this class loving Shakespeare, but I definitely do now. Only take this class if you're passionate about English, because if you don't like reading then you won't enjoy the class too much -- and READ EVERYTHING assigned (quizzes!).

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ENG105B . 9 Years Ago

Amazing lecturer who clearly loves and knows a lot about Shakespeare. Very funny, engaging and intelligent - you have to really pay attention because his powerpoints are minimal at best, but he's a very clear lecturer. Never a dull moment! Expect to do the readings (only 5/quarter) and a quiz every other week. Show up & read and you're golden!

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ENG105B . 9 Years Ago

Definitely knows his stuff about Shakespeare. I had never really read much of Shakespeare before his class, but reading the works with Rose made it much more interesting. He brought up points that I would have not thought of. Quizzes were given in section every week based on the reading.

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105B . 9 Years Ago

I wish Professor Rose taught other English classes other than Shakespeare. You can tell from his lectures that he's passionate and extremely knowledgeable about Shakespeare, and he gives plenty of sociopolitical context + all sorts of conceptsthemes in the plays (5). Even if you're not that into Shakespeare (like I was), Rose will get you into it.

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ENG105B . 9 Years Ago

Not the biggest Shakespeare fan but Rose is enthusiastic about the material so that's a plus. I personally found the lecture material dull, but to each his own. The reading and work load is light, so this is not an exacting class. Quizzes are simple. Papers are up to the discretion of your TA. Read, take notes, pay attention and you're good.

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ENGLISH105A . 10 Years Ago

Professor Rose is one of the cutest and most intelligent people I have ever met. He absolutely adores Shakespeare and his lectures are very interesting and well thought out. The tests are easy as long as you have a background knowledge of the plays and I would recommend going to lecture as most of the questions are directly from his discussion.

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ENGL105A . 11 Years Ago

Class isn't too difficult. Quizzes are easy, most of the lectures are interesting. Grading is up to a TA's discretion. Papers are not too difficult if not procrastinated on. Interesting.

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ENGL105A . 12 Years Ago

I have always felt intimidated by Shakespeare, but the way Rose teaches the class is amazing. He goes into the historical context, symbolism, etc without making you feel in over your head. He's very passionate about the subject and the TA's are super helpful. Just go to lecture, take good notes, and read.

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ENG105B . 12 Years Ago

you can really tell the professor loves shakespeare. 4 short quizzes, get to drop lowest score. two papers (1 short, 1 long). writing final is pretty easy. grading is on your TA, so it would be nice to get a good one

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ENG105B . 12 Years Ago

Great professor. Passionate about what he teaches. Always has a smile on his face. Grading was okay, it all comes down to your TA.

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ENGL105A . 14 Years Ago

Prof Rose is amazing! He is such a sweet guy and truly has a passion for teaching and Shakespeare. The class is easy and I love his laugh

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ENG105A . 14 Years Ago

He is a wonderful professor with a great deal of enthusiasm for the subject. His lectures and analysis thought provoking and exceedingly brilliant. A great class for those that have a passion for shakespeare

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ENG105 . 14 Years Ago

It goes without saying that Prof. Rose is a teacher who defines the word TEACHER. He is so passionate about his work, he makes you laugh, smile and learn at the same time. His quarkey jokes, and abundant energy give Shakespeare a great make-over. Avoid Jeff the section TA, go to lecture, and you will learn so much, take notes from there & get an A.

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ENGL105B . 14 Years Ago

Fantastic Professor. Super Captivating and fascinating. The best lecturer at ucsb, a true master of Shakespeare and Early Modern Culture.

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ENGL105A . 15 Years Ago

I LOVED this class. Shakespeare had been ruined for me in high school and Prof. Rose changed all that! His vast knowledge of the subject, pointed insights and enthusiasm make for lively lectures. There are two papers, a quiz every other week and the final. Unfortunately the grading falls to a T.A who can ruin any good experience

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