Rate My Professors (40)

ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 15 Years Ago

loved him as a person. so interesting and knows everything. his midterm was irrelevant, and he is very unclear as to what he expects from a student. disappointing grade in the end, considering i'm an art history major and went to every lecture.

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ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 15 Years Ago

I liked him i dont understand why you all didnt but he did a good job helping us understand the material through personal experiences. Easy A why not take it Your all weak!

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ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 16 Years Ago

Worst class of my entire undergrad years. Ogbechie is close to impossible to understand during lectures. The lectures have NO relevance to assigned readings. He is adamant about student attendance and respect, but then his cell phone rings (and he picks up!) in class! He didn't even show up for the first class and cancelled two of them. FIRE HIM!

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ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 16 Years Ago

He is easily the worst professor I have ever had. His accent is very difficult to understand. He is rude and disrespectful to students. He threatened to drop students if they didn't buy the book (even though you only read 100 pages out of it). Said that students were stupid for wanting to know about the midterm. DO NOT TAKE! He should be fired!!!!!

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ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 16 Years Ago

This class is horrible. His accent is impossible to understand, he is pretentious and a jerk. He told people that if they didnt buy the $100 text (that you dont even read in its entirety) that he would make them drop the class. He is unorganized and just uses museum websites for his info. Horrible Horrible class and professor

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 17 Years Ago

Ogbechie has so much to say, but not enough organization skills and time to get his point across. He cannot handle a large class with no sections, therefore the students cannot either. He is also very rude when students ask him questions he can easily give the answer to. His worst problem is making the class feel like children, and inferior

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 17 Years Ago

He puts the history in art history, but not so much that 'art' aspect. He puts images on the website, but you don't really need to know them for the tests. They're usually essays where you have to compare a couple images. If you come in late, you have to find a seat. He wont let you sit in the back on the stairs.

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 17 Years Ago

Where, where to begin. If you are prepared to sit through an hour and fifteen minutes in a dark room staring at virtually invisible person with an accent so thick all it sounds like he is doing is talking really loud and placing the emphasis on the wrong syllables, then this class if for YOU!

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ARTHI6E . Ogbechie S O 17 Years Ago

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AH127A . Ogbechie S O 18 Years Ago

If you zone out in this class it sounds like he's speaking a different language. I cant say I learned one thing in his class, yet still got an A. We had to study 4 images for the midterm--piece of cake. Looking for a GPA booster? Take his class. No need to go to class either.

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AH127A . Ogbechie S O 18 Years Ago

I HATED this class. He is very hard to follow and he bored the crap out of me. We didn't really learn about art in this class. It wasn't your typical art history class, more of an anthro class. Sitting through lecture staring at maps and trying to figure out what the heck he's talking about was not the business.

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ARTHIST127A . Ogbechie S O 19 Years Ago

Awesome professor!!! His passion for teaching is unrivaled. Be prepared for very abstract concepts though. Thinking is required here, but essay tests give students the opportunities to express their ideas. You are about to be enlightened like never before. The key to success is to listen!!! The abstract nature of the class requires this. Good luck.

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ARTHI128A . Ogbechie S O 19 Years Ago

Love him. He can be the scariest, most intense person ever, but he is super intelligent.

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ARTHI122A . Ogbechie S O 19 Years Ago

I didn't find him difficult to understand at all; he can be a scary guy, but I've taken two classes with him and he's given me A's in both. He's not the most organized of professors, he kind of goes off the cuff on most lectures I think, but he's one of the most intelligent teachers I've had.

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ARTHI6E . Ogbechie S O 20 Years Ago

Accent takes a few lectures to get used to but after that it's not too bad. He makes jokes in lecture that are pretty funny and he explains stuff well. Most of the stuff you need to know you learn during discussion though so make sure you go to those.

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ARTHIST6E . Ogbechie S O 20 Years Ago

He's Nigerian so sometimes its hard to understand him. The class is interesting, but I tended to zone a lot. It sort of hard to follow where he's going with his points sometimes

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