Sylvester Ogbechie

40 reviews
Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Tough grader Get ready to read Respected Test heavy Amazing lectures Inspirational Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes
Past quarters
146 / 150 Enrolled
Survey: Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Native North America
Sylvester Ogbechie 2.6
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
42.1% A
44 / 60 Enrolled
African Art II
Sylvester Ogbechie 2.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
47.6% A
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ARTHI 200A Ogbechie S O Spring 2024 Total: 6
ARTHI 6E Ogbechie S O Winter 2024 Total: 113
ARTHI 121D Ogbechie S O Fall 2023 Total: 51
ARTHI 127A Ogbechie S O Fall 2023 Total: 47
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ARTH6E . Ogbechie S O 8 Months Ago

Impossible to understand. Super boring lectures. The tests had nothing to do with what was on the review slides. Avoid this class at all costs.

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ARTH6E . Ogbechie S O 10 Months Ago

gets mad at you for being on your phone in lecture even though most people take this class for a GE. TAs are unnecessarily hard graders and dont explain why they give you the grade you got. class covers too much material in just 10 weeks and you have to memorize useless info for the tests which youll probably forget within a day.

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ARTHI6E . Ogbechie S O 10 Months Ago

This professor was rather disappointing. The most difficult part of taking this course was keeping my eyes open during lecture. It is clear that the professor has a true passion for African and Indigenous art - that is about all that is clear in this class. The TA's are no better; apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh?

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 11 Months Ago

Class was super interesting!! Only had a few assignments and a midterm + final which were the same structure on different artworks. You do have to memorize info on a set of selected artworks but making a simple google doc with the required info and reviewing it is enough to pass. Loved him!

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 1 Year, 18 Days Ago

Very much a class designed solely for art history students with a professor who is a giant in this particular field. I'll never take another art history class again, but overall the course was interesting enough. The memorization was terrible.

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 1 Year, 19 Days Ago

2 small projects/papers and 2 exams. Exams require you to memorize some artwork, and analyze them. The projects/papers were both really easy. The lectures are mostly boring, but occasionally interesting. I took the class P/NP, but I should have taken it for a grade, because I got an A- without much effort and missing 5 classes.

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AH127A . Ogbechie S O 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Very hard to understand during lectures, and is very difficult to know what you actually need to learn. Unclear about what tests will be like and gave images for identification that he never discussed.

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 3 Years Ago

I really liked Prof Ogbechie's class! He was very passionate about the course material and I learned a lot.

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ARTHI6E . Ogbechie S O 4 Years Ago

Lectures are extremely unorganized and he missed several classes in the quarter. It was very unclear what we would be tested on which made it difficult to study.

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 5 Years Ago

Great professor and lecturer. I thought his class was interesting, informative, and the content was relevant and important. Unfortunately, I had a few very uncomfortable (mandatory) office hours sessions with him, and I felt he crossed the mandatory teacher-student boundary in multiple ways. Totally unfortunate, I loved the class up until then.

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ARTHI121D . Ogbechie S O 5 Years Ago

Attendance is 10% of the grade. Lecture is pretty boring, I feel like he has a lot of important things to say but he doesn't organize it well and it's hard to follow. Readings aren't tested on. Final was a 6 page paper on stuff we didn't really talk about I have no idea how I wrote that thing and passed the class

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ARTHI127A . Ogbechie S O 5 Years Ago

Going to his class is mandatory, which was difficult given how boring the content was. The midterm and "spot tests" were fairly easy, but the final essay prompt was extemely vague and hard to do, considering it has to be six pages long. Would not recommend.

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