
Rate My Professors (47)

ASAM4 . 17 Years Ago

This class is a ridiculous "introductory" class. The content is difficult and confusing to someone with no prior knowledge of Asian American Studies. Shimizu teaches overarching themes without discussing their particular histories. Her lectures are very vague and would be better received from graduate students.

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ASAM4 . 17 Years Ago

I was really excited about starting this class but it urns out the class is NOTHING like the title describes. The class is hard and a lot of the discussion borders on ****, which myself and some friends found extremely offensve. I would not suggest this class to anyone. I was unnecessarily difficult and extremely vague.

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ASAM4 . 18 Years Ago

this class was hard. it sucked because i didn't even understand the lectures very well at all, and i did all the readings. theres only one article a week, so the reading was light which was good. the midterm is a 2 page paper and the final is open book. wouldn't recommend this class to anyone.

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ASAM4 . 18 Years Ago

HARD HARD HARD!! The lectures are very confusing and the way she speaks is very complicated. The movies are fun to watch though (every other lecture) but the tests and paper are SUPER hard

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ASAM4 . 18 Years Ago

I ended up doing fairly well in class, but it felt so hard during the quarter. I was really overwhelmed when I looked at her syllabse. However, she's willing to talk and listen to her students and helpful. The materials were interesting, too.

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ASAM4 . 19 Years Ago

enthusiastic teacher but a very hard class. i wouldn't take it unless you've taken another as am class. she cares a lot about her class/students tho. good TAs. not too much reading. hard hard hard class tho

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ASAM118 . 19 Years Ago

Professor Shimizu is a brilliant woman who is passionate about her field. I took this class for a GE but ended up being very interested in the topic- her assigments appear difficult but she is not a nazi-grader - she appreciates hard work and new ideas. Great professor!

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ASAM4 . 19 Years Ago

Shimizu is the worst professor I have even had at UCSB. She does not explain herself well and she spends her classes trying to advertise her intelligence, not teach to students. NEVER EVER take this class

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ASAM136 . 19 Years Ago

Awesome Professor, very intelligent. Difficult concepts discussed, but insightful. She definitely cares about her students' success. I admit she isn't an easy A, but I learned a great deal from her. Although I had an 8am class with her that lasted 3 hours, I really looked forward to going.

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ASAM4 . 19 Years Ago

I think the teacher is very enthustiastic and I like watching the movies. This class does not have that many readings, it's like one section to read once a week. The thing is the articles are kind of difficult to understand but it's really worthwhile. I think you'll get a lot out of it. And she offers a lot of extra credit too.

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ASAM4118 . 19 Years Ago

prof shimizu is a great person to talk to and is very enthusiastic about what she teaches. her classes are pretty hard, but i think you get a lot out of them.

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She has a lot to offer her students. Her classes are VERY challenging, but that is why we go to school! She will take the time to help you out and is one of very few professors who cares about her students. Shimizu is very progressive and I highly recommend her.

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ASAM127 . 19 Years Ago

She's not very easy. Her readings are heavy and the lecture is intense. But you get to learn SO much from her classes- all the work is definitely worth it. If you talk to her in office hours, she'll explain everything- she's always concerned about her students. Very fair, very intelligent. Take her!

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ASAM4118127 . 19 Years Ago

all of her classes have been great. shes takes college students seriously an doesnt let them slide by. more professors should be as passionate and dedicated to their work as she is. after taking asam4 my mind was stimulated intellectually like ever before. asam118 was even better, more concentrated

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ASAM4 . 19 Years Ago

beware: this class is for people who actually want to learn...others who want to just fart around and get A's, look elsewhere

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ASAM4 . 19 Years Ago

Very insightful class. It is harder than most other As Am classes. I took all of her classes and recieved all A's. She lets you speak you speak your mind as long as you can back it up. Few prof. let you do that.

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ASAM118 . 20 Years Ago

a hard class, but very intellectually stimulating. she's incredibly brilliant, sometimes to the point of confusion. but she's always helpful outside of class, and very fun.

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ASAM127 . 20 Years Ago

um, i've been getting As in almost all my classes and i got a horrible grad in her's. highly NOT recommended.. nice person out of class, crazy person in class.

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ASAM4 . 20 Years Ago

a great class all around! hard readings... but if you like to be challenged, this is the course for you!!

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ASAM4 . 20 Years Ago

a hard's weird because she talks so fast and she really gets stuck in her own world leaving the students waaaaaaay behind in the real world. Yea, she really gets into the sexuality stuff way too much I think. SO MUCH WRITING IN THIS CLASS.

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ASAM4 . 20 Years Ago

horrible class. i cant think of one positive thing to say about it. DONT TAKE IT FOR THE LIFE OF YOU.

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ASAM4 . 20 Years Ago

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ASIANAME4 . 20 Years Ago

very confusing. she picks on you and interrigates you in front of the class. not recomended

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