Rate My Professors (40)

ECON174 . Charness G B 6 Months Ago

Gary is my favorite econ professor here. He is very entertaining and his class is really enjoyable. He's the first econ professor I've had that tries to know your name and actually remembers stuff about you. The class is made up of negotiation scenarios you go through w a partner. It's fun and you can improve at it, just talk to him & ask questions

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ECON174 . Charness G B 3 Years Ago

Professor Charnesss Negotiations class will be the most applicable-to-the-real-world class youll have in your time at UCSB. At the beginning, the cases definitely feel predatory, but as the quarter progresses, things become more collaborative. Despite it being online due to COVID, Ive ended up making a few great friends in this class as well.

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ECON174 . Charness G B 7 Years Ago

Every time you see this professor's name on gold you should take the opportunity you have at UCSB to take him.

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ECON174 . Charness G B 10 Years Ago

easily one of the most interesting profs ive ever had. hes all over the place and very spacey, but also a funny lecturer who knows what he's talking about. this class was a joke-- an easy A and a guaranteed B.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 11 Years Ago

Charness is hands down the best professor I've ever had in my 4 years! Its unfortunate that I didn't get to take more of his classes. Class was incredibly fun and interesting. He's a bit of a scatterbrain but so am I so I understood everything he was explaining lol. He is extremely helpful and approachable. Homework is hard but getting an A isn't.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 11 Years Ago

This class takes on questions like the game show question in the movie 21. It can be fun but its much more difficult too. This is not a class you can just breeze by in. You must put in effort. Luckily Charness is a fun professor who tells jokes and is very laid back. The material is difficult but he has a very generous curve so almost half get A's

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ECON171 . Charness G B 13 Years Ago

Cases are really difficult and can be very cut throat. Only take if you're really interested in taking a class that will prepare you for a MBA program.

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ECON176 . Charness G B 13 Years Ago

This guy is hilarious! He is super smart and the stuff you learn is really interesting unlike 100A, 100B, and 101. Your grade is pretty much based on a paper and an experiment which is pretty easy and interesting at the same time. A MUST TAKE CLASS!

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ECON171 . Charness G B 13 Years Ago

The teacher is legit! 50% A 50% B. Go to class and u'll be fine. Midterm no final just 4 problem sets.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

Hard class, but the professor is one of the best!

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ECON171 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

Course is abstract, of no real world relevance for either a business or econ student. The questions are painfully difficult. Doing them feels humiliating, or like being tortured. He is smart and good, but I question the wisdom of taking this course--especially from this professor. Let's just say most students didn't get A's, if ya know what I mean.

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ECON174 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

As long as you do the assignments (very few) and attend class for the weekly "negotiations", you are pretty much guaranteed an A or a B. But getting an A is not necessarily easy unless you naturally a good negotiator, or get lucky and have an easily manipulated partner(s). Interesting class though, definitly take this as one of your Econ electives!

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ECON171 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

Professor Charness is a really, really smart guy. And you'd better hope that you are too or else you're toast in this class. This class is easily the most difficult I've taken at UCSB. I suggest hiring a tutor (CLAS won't even touch this class). Aside from the soul-crushing difficulty, he is a great professor and seems like a really good guy.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

Difficult to comprehend... do not take if you are not a logical thinker. Most people that can not work through a problem fail his class.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 15 Years Ago

I have never in my life seen such difficult questions asked as part of an academic course. It is advisable to skip this course, or to take it with some other professor, with whom you might have a better chance of a high grade.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 16 Years Ago

Awesome teacher. Great man. Very willing to take the students' voice and opinion into consideration regarding any issue that comes about in relation to the class. One of the absolute best econ professors.

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ECON171 . Charness G B 16 Years Ago

Man I love Charness. He is the most sincere and approachable teacher I have had at UCSB. Quote from Charness- "I am just here to play games". That is exactly what you do in class! Class is pretty easy, and if you never need help go to his office hours where you will find him lounged back in his chair, feet on the table. Very funny guy and helpful

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ECON171 . Charness G B 16 Years Ago

Charness is the man. Always approachable and willing to accommodate. Hilarious and friendly and very knowledgeable. Go to his office hours! He can't touch you, but you can touch him!!

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ECON171 . Charness G B 17 Years Ago

Easy to Pull an A or a B. Fun class, definitely recommend, however it is difficult to assure yourself an A-it's a lil' confusing to determine what separates A's from B's

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ECON100A . Charness G B 19 Years Ago

He's chill, I think he used to suck and then realized he actually likes teaching. If so, he's really turned around.

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100A . Charness G B 19 Years Ago

most pointless class ever taken....just memorize the answers to the questions and you pass

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ECON100A . Charness G B 19 Years Ago

ok i took him over spring and so he's not the best teacher, but definitely easier than the rest of the econ dept. his tests r ALL THE SAME! go to CLAS & do all the old midterms, study with a couple of pals and u'll be fine. i aced it with no problem

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ECON100A . Charness G B 19 Years Ago

very boring. avoid this class if possible. u have to teach urself EVERYTHING. CLAS helps a lot. tests are very similar to in-class problems and old tests that you can get from CLAS.

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ECON100A . Charness G B 19 Years Ago

Fairly easy class, nothing too stressful. Would recommend the class with him. Easy to pull of an A or B at the very least. Do the workbook quizzes and old practice tests and thats enough for a B at least. Fairly easy class compared to Sanders in 3B

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