Rate My Professors (46)

PSY102 . Ford K C 4 Months Ago

This class with ford was def something. Her quizzes were not fair and not reflective of her lecture content, also only had 20 mins for 5 questions.Her slides weren't the best, if you don't go to lecture you'll have a hard time understanding the material. In the end a C on an exam despite an A and B on the others, and some bad quiz scores got me a C

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PSY102 . Ford K C 5 Months Ago

Lectures are boring and not very helpful. Very few assignments, I think it was just 3 quizzes and maybe 3 exams. I ended up withdrawing from the course and retook it with another professor. Also lots of readings which are mostly research papers.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 6 Months Ago

Worst professor I have ever taken a class with. Super rude, her lectures are boring and hard to understand. She goes through slides fast and reads info about research studies from notes she has. Gets confused a lot and her slides often have graphs/data about study but no context so you have to attend lecture. Super vague questions on exams! Avoid!!

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PSY102 . Ford K C 7 Months Ago

If Dr. Ford was a beverage she would be Flint, Michigans tap water. Just the worst professor. Hates her students and only cares about the letters that come after her name.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

I would not recommend taking her class. her lectures were unclear most of the time. she would rant about unrelated topics and when asked questions about the class content or studies she wouldn't know the answer. the exams were tricky because of how the questions were worded with ambiguous answers. you def have to study like crazy to do decent

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

for a pretty straightforward topic, prof ford makes psy102 more difficult than it should be. the entire course is just her reading off her slides about research studies and not really adding any personal input or interpretation. the exams are pretty difficult, but her extra credit evens it out somewhat. i personally would not retake or recommend.

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PSY149 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

it's in ur best favor to avoid having her as a professor, she structures the class in a very stressful way. she makes it hard to succeed by assigning a ton of reading, 2 30 min online quizzes that were hard, exams were unnecessarily difficult, focusing hard on random details of some niche studies. close relationships was an awesome class, too bad.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

I liked the class itself more than the professor teaching it, but overall she was adequate. Her quizzes were awful and easy to perform poorly on since there were only 5, very specific and somewhat difficult questions, not to mention the time constraint. Many exam questions were ambiguous and very specific, which was frustrating and confusing.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

This class was definitely challenging but there are a lot of extra credit opportunities to make up for it. For the tests, make sure that you do all of the readings and know the details and to pay attention to the graphs on the slide. The material itself is very interesting but she is a difficult professor

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

Okay Ford isn't THAT bad as everyone is saying. Yes, she explains things weirdly, doesn't know how to answer student's questions, and some of her test questions are worded weirdly, but I honestly don't think it was that bad. Just understand the experiments, read the exam questions carefully, and go to TA OH if you have any questions.

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PSY149 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

Exams were unnecessarily reworded. Very strict with deadlines. Very enjoyable class, but an awful lecturer. Makes the class material more difficult than it really is. Worst experience with a professor at this school.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

Lecture slides are extremely oversimplified, while tests are extremely hard. Class average on tests was never more than 75. Test questions are really and I mean really tricky. Answer choices were very ambiguous. This class requires a lot of studying, a lot of sacrifice. I 100% think you are risking your GPA with this prof. Take someone else.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

The exams were unnecessarily difficult and are worth 70% of your grade. One of my least favorite Psych classes ever because of the professor. The content itself was so interesting.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

This class was much more work than I expected, even after having taken multiple psych classes, including a social psych class before. The tests are tough, and some questions are very ambiguous. You will probably need to do all of the extra credit if you want a good grade.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 8 Months Ago

just awful, avoid at all cost

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

The slides aren't informative. Some quiz answers r only said aloud in lec. So many quiz/exam questions are worded poorly & have ambiguous interpretations. Even if you study, poorly worded questions will get you. Exams worth 70%, quizzes 15%, reflection assignments 15%. 3 quizzes 5 Q each; 1 quiz question = 1% of our grade. This class tanked my GPA.

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PSY149 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

If you are looking for a clear, concise, understandable professor, I would advise you with the utmost urgency to never take a class with Ford. At my four years at UCSB, I have never encountered a lecturer such as herself. She makes the course overly complicated and overly difficult. Tests are HARD and she is a VERY poor lecturer.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

I am not one to write on here, but I have had a very negative experience with her. Her lectures are pointless, and just talk about random studies. I could not clearly tell you what social psychology is. Niche exams, with low averages. Does not know subject, and is hard to access for exam reviews. 70% of grade is exams and they are HARD! Don't take!

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

class content is fine but the tests are atrocious - doesn't matter how much you study, the questions are intentionally tricky :(

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PSY149 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

Do not take this professor. All she does is talk about findings from studies in lecture, and never emphasizes what is important vs. irrelevant. She gets confused by her own lecture slides and is almost never able to answer students' questions. Exams are difficult and highly detailed. Not enough time allotted for the online quizzes either.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

Avoid this Professor if you can. Her exams are almost impossible to understand(it doesn't matter how much you study). Exam questions make no sense and she won't explain them even if more than half the class is confused. The weighting in the class is so messed up you can get 100% on an assignment and your grade will drop. Good luck.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

I don't love the way she taught the material. She makes her exams so difficult for no reason, she words the questions in a way that makes them hard to understand. I also found myself bored many times in this class and that's never happened in my psyc courses before. I wish they had other professors who taught this subject.

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PSY102 . Ford K C 9 Months Ago

Explains her own memes Overall, the class material isn't very difficult but Dr. Ford's class policies are not accommodating & her lecturing is unorganized. Also, she doesn't seem to take people's complaints about the class seriously. Slow test-takers will need a DSP accommodation in their class.

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PSY149 . Ford K C 10 Months Ago

Doesn't accommodate students with learning disabilities. Gets confused with own slides/graphs. Doesn't post slides before class. No study guide.Talks fast. Verbally gives important examples to the slides while simultaneously having us read the slide's bullet points and while noting down/connecting both things. Have to read textbook before lecture.

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