Rate My Professors (32)

Math6B . Kumar S L 3 Months Ago

Class was so easy I forgot I was even in it. He made it the easiest math class I've ever taken.

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Math6B . Kumar S L 3 Months Ago

A good professor that tries to explain things in a way that you can understand. Also, the homeworks and tests are not too hard, all of them are reasonable and possible to finish, which I had a really good experience in it.

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Math6B . Kumar S L 5 Months Ago

Easy class, 1 WebWork a week, midterms and final were simple and similar to lecture problems. Take this prof if you can, he walks you through 6B and gives a formula sheet on exams

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Math6B . Kumar S L 5 Months Ago

Eassy Test, essay homework, 90% for an A. If you dont want to struggle with Math 6B choose Prof Kumar

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MATH3A . Kumar S L 6 Months Ago

I went to maybe 3 lectures but his slides were useful. I did not like the way he explained, he overcomplicated stuff that did not need to be but he does go over every step pretty okay. As long as you study you will do good in the class

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MATH3A . Kumar S L 6 Months Ago

Definitely recommend taking Professor Kumar if you get the chance! His lectures are very clear and he provides a lot of examples. He posts a guided study before each exam which helps a lot with studying!

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MATH3A . Kumar S L 6 Months Ago

kumar the goat. explains everything so well you probably don't even need to go to lecture

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Math6B . Kumar S L 6 Months Ago

His lectures are incredibly good; he explains concepts super clearly and never skips steps that could cause confusion. Hw and tests are reasonable. He also provides a ton of review material before each exam. Overall a great experience.

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Math6B . Kumar S L 6 Months Ago

I completely failed the first midterm, but his grading criteria is lowkey clutch because I got a 94 on the second one and I'm about to take the final next week. He explains thing hella clearly and is probably the best math prof I've had in a while. Tests are fair as long as you do the review and review your notes a couple times.

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MATH8 . Kumar S L 9 Months Ago

Professor Kumar provided an excellent introduction to mathematical proofs. The lectures were well-structured, engaging, and informative. There was weekly homework, two midterms, and a cumulative final. He was helpful during office hours and after lectures to answer questions. Highly recommend.

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MAth108A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Professor Kumar is the GOAT. His lectures were good and I liked his pace. He's very flexible and wants students to succeed. Not that the material is easy -- grade ultimately depends on the working ur willing to do. But Kumar's grading is clear and exams are straightforward. Would take again.

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MAth108A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Kumar's notes were very clear and the class was very well organized. office hour was very helpful and every time I emailed him I got a very timely response. The average scores on the exams are very high.

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Math6B . Kumar S L 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

His lectures are more incoherent than his hand writing. Rambles on and on and lectures make zero sense. Made the exams unnecessarily hard.TAs could not help me either. I will have to retake this class

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MAth108A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

This class was a nightmare. His lectures are extremely confusing and he makes the material unnecessarily hard. Worst prof at ucsb I've had so far

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Makes calculus seem like addition. His teaching style is unlike anything I've seen. Just incredible at explaining concepts and even though the exams are tough he more than prepares you to take them. Provides great resources as well. If he's available prioritize him for sure

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MATH34A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Nice guy. His lectures made sense and I got an A+ in the class without much effort. TA Katherine is also very nice. I didn't need this class for my major but took it since it is easy and I missed doing math. I really recommend it.

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MATH34A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I have never taken a math class where the professor imparted information as well as Kumar. He made derivatives and integrals make so much sense, so quickly. He takes the time to review and reexplain, and his explanations are crystal clear. This guy is an kind and incredible lecturer. Also make sure to attend section, it's 10% of your grade.

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MATH34A . Kumar S L 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Possibly the kindest and most genuine professor I've had. Lectures are extremely clear and organized, lecture notes are posted daily. Truly wants his students to succeed. I actually enjoyed doing the work. DO the homework and practice problems and thoroughly complete the guided studies, him and TA Katherine went above and beyond to help us!

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

He is extremely helpful and makes sure his students understand the course material well. The class was challenging, but as long as you attend lectures and keep up with the material you will do well.

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Honestly the material in this class was very challenging but I am so glad that I had this professor for it. His lectures were SO organized and clear. Love the grading system, he averages out the tests to give you the best grade possible. Seems like a super nice guy and accessible. Also take this class with TA Lucas if possible, I owe my life to him

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 2 Years Ago

One of the best math teachers I have ever had. Homework is a bit much but manageable. Going to office hours is extremely helpful and will absolutely save you if you are struggling a bit.

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 2 Years Ago

Kumar will go out of his way to make sure you understand every concept as clearly as possible. Very accommodating outside of class and is good at answering emails. I never understood math very well previously, but he explains hard concepts so clearly that I was able to ace all exams and quizzes with ease. Take this professor! I love him!

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MATH3B . Kumar S L 2 Years Ago

He is so awesome!! The material in this class was difficult, but he did a good job teaching everything and his lectures were pretty organized. The homework was very manageable, around 8-12 webwork problems a week. Additionally, he is clear on what he expects you to know, and all the quizzes/tests are very fair with a lot of partial credit given.

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MATH8 . Kumar S L 2 Years Ago

I really liked him. He knows what to say basically the entire lecture, referring to his notes maybe once or twice. He explains things really well. Homework load is moderate. I actually enjoyed his tests.

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