Rate My Professors (33)

POLS12 . Nall C M 2 Years Ago

He doesn't record lectures despite the fact that we are living through a global pandemic and sometimes people need access to the recordings in the event that they cannot attend class. Generally speaking, he seems to hold a weird animosity towards confusion and asking questions and often appears condescending. Also just so much reading it hurts.

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PS12S . Nall C M 2 Years Ago

Clayton is pretty rude if you're confused during lectures or if you ask questions that he thinks are "dumb". Yeah, he's one of those guys. He gives you 100-150 pages of reading per week for a GE. He doesn't record lectures either because he is personally against it. He will not make his class dual online/in-person, even during COVID.

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POLS170 . Nall C M 3 Years Ago

He assigns more readings than any other professor I've had in poli sci, but the readings were interesting and it was easy to write the required response journal entries. Contrary to other posters, I thought he was engaging and thought-provoking, especially when the class was discussing controversial issues.

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POLS170 . Nall C M 3 Years Ago

The professor did a good job at relating the readings to the lecture and contemporary or past examples. I enjoyed the type of analysis we were encouraged to engage in and I think the weekly journal entries were a good way to measure this along the way, I appreciated the feedback. I learned a lot from this class and the final paper was engaging.

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PS162 . Nall C M 3 Years Ago

Not sure what the other people were complaining about. Dude is a decent lecturer with interesting and thought-provoking material. We always had lively discussions. There are 2 projects and a reading response, yeah, but you're given more than enough time to complete them. Grading was fair.

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PS170 . Nall C M 4 Years Ago

This class is a much more reasonable class to take with Nall. The grade is made up of a midterm, final, research paper (done individually or in a group), and section participation. There is still a lot of reading to do (150-250 pages per week), similar to PS162, but it is much more manageable seeing as there aren't nearly as many assignments.

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PS162 . Nall C M 4 Years Ago

Nall is a good lecturer, but he assigns way too many readings/assignments. I understand he wanted to pack a lot into the course, but it is very difficult juggling this class within a full schedule. Assignments included: section (some assignments), 2 response papers, 2 field papers, 4-5 quizzes, and a final exam. Readings 150-200 pages per week.

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PS170 . Nall C M 4 Years Ago

Professor Nall did try to make the course a lot less demanding than I would expect a normal quarter to go, which I appreciated a lot. That being said, he assigned a ridiculous amount of reading each week, posted lectures late in the week, and provided very little explanation on assignments/exams. Overall meh experience.

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PS162 . Nall C M 4 Years Ago

Prof Nall says that he teaches this class like a graduate level course, and he isn't kidding. Every week there is at least 200-300 pages of reading, you have to write two (2 page) reading responses, 2 (10-12 page) field research projects, 4 pop quizzes, and a final. On top of all this he is incredibly condescending and is an awful lecturer.

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