Rate My Professors (38)

CS160 . Feng Yu 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

grade was determined by 5 homework assignments, with the professor and TA's seemingly making it up as the quarter went on. lectures had little relation in content or difficulty to the hw, generally covered material significantly simpler than the knowledge required for the homework. assignment instructions were often vague or hard to follow.

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Great and passionate lecturer. Made the class very interesting and approachable!

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CS160 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I took this class in Fall 2021 and was worried because of the stories from past quarters with this professor. But everything was great: lectures were solid, homework was challenging but reasonable and interesting, and I learned a lot. Would recommend/take other classes with him

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I took this course with hesitation, but it was absolutely great. Course has improved across the board. No complaints: the homework assignments were challenging but clear and fair, the professor and TAs were helpful during lectures, office hours, and outside of class. 10/10 Greatest professor redemption arc I've ever seen, kudos to Professor Feng.

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Class was very straightfoward. 6 homework assignments for 100% of the grade. Homework gradescope results were available, so it's easy to know how you're doing in the class. Generous with late days as well, 10 days for the entire course. He has definitely heard the feedback and improved a lot. I highly recommend this professor now!

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I took this class with worries, but it was one of the best CS classes I've taken at UCSB. The class materials are seriously interesting and helpful in other classes. I feel like I now have a better understanding in some of the features in programming languages. 6 hws sum up the total class grade with 10 free late days. No exams.

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Yu Feng improved significantly. His class structure is now very fair. Some pros are that there are no exams, graded only on assignments, with 10 late days. I would save them mostly for hw4. TAs are always available and nice. Cons are lectures sometimes get tedious, TA's feedback occasionally too vague to be useful. BE SURE to use manual for hw.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Great enthusiastic professor, clear lectures. Only 6 programming assignments, which followed a bell curved shape in terms of difficulty, had 10 total late days you could use. Cares about his students, asking for feedback throughout the quarter. One of the best professors I've ever had, makes the difficult topic of PL approachable and interesting.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Great class. Lectures were interesting and clear. No exams, just programming assignments, which were very fair. The professor and the TAs were friendly and helpful.

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Feng has seriously improved and is nothing like what people have previously rated him. For this course, we had 6 projects and 0 tests. The class is curved, with 10 FREE late days. It was extremely easy to get an A, and the homework wasn't too hard

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CMPSC162 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Good guy. Clear lectures and very well structured and planned course. Loved ocaml

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CS160 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

Lol I thought he would be a devil but actually he is an angelfor this quarter. I hate OCaml in the beginning but feel okay at the end.

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CS160 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I've heard a lot of bad things about this course and professor yu feng last year, but this quarter things really changed a lot. His lectures are good and the whole course is well organized. Homeworks are a little bit challenging, but he gives detailed descriptions and plenty of time for hws. The TAs are also very helpful.

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CS160 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I heard this class was one of the most difficult, but Prof. Feng and the TAs made it pretty straightforward. He does everything he can to make the class accessible. The assignments can be tough but you get 10 late days to use throughout the quarter (I suggest saving most of them for assignment 4). Overall, solid professor.

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CS160 . Feng Yu 2 Years Ago

I came in being scared from the past reviews, but it's safe to say he's changed for the better. He's been very approachable, and will adjust deadlines if needed. The homework is kinda tough, but not too bad if you put the work in (you literally build a compiler!). Clearly interested in his field too, which makes the lectures engaging.

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CS190I . Feng Yu 3 Years Ago

Reading all of his reviews had me worried, but it's clear that he heard about all of them lol. Was very lenient and seemed to go out of his way to make the course as accessible as possible (can't say if this is the case for 160/162 though). Overall, I would say he's very clearly passionate about his work which made this course really enjoyable.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

Worst professor I've ever had. If you suck at recursion, you'll get really good at it. Wouldn't recommend him to anyone at all unless you like mind games.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

He assigns us a final that takes me 3 days to complete, with 26 small questions total, during the moment when coronavirus issues torture us everyday. The simple short answer question worths the same points as hard code questions, which is totally unfair. You wont get partial credit for MC questions either, if you choose one of them wrong.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

If you are a top level programmer and are looking for a challenge, this class is for you. I attended every single lecture learned almost nothing(because he's bad at teaching). Gave vague responses to piazza questions, if any. Taught class as if we had already learned the material before. Gave contradictory responses on piazza, caused much confusion

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

Too many assignments. Most assignments take several days. They are more like a final project. Plus, almost every time you need to learn a new language. Don't take his class unless you absolutely love PL. He also publically criticizes students in class and online. Not good for your mental well being. I hope he doesn't get tenure.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

Yu Feng has done something incredible. He has completely strangled my enthusiasm for anything related to programming languages. Taking his class has made me reconsider my plan to get a master's in CS, if people like him are who I'm going to deal with, and classes like his are what I'll have to go through.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

After hearing about CS162 from several students who took it in the past, I went into this class with a genuine interest in programming languages. This man completely smothered any excitement I had for the subject not only because of his inability to properly convey new course material, but also because of his huge, manipulative ego.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

Yu Feng claims expertise in the program security research field, yet he cannot help but shove his insecurities in your face. Take for example his regular routine of using class time and Piazza posts to speak at length about his research and work experience. He also overhauled course structure so that it closely follows his line of research.

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CS162 . Feng Yu 4 Years Ago

This guy is actually the worst. Avoid at all cost. Biggest ego and will accuse you of plagiarizing over one line of code. Actually worst professor I've ever had at UCSB.

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