Rate My Professors (36)

EARTH7 . Moore J 3 Years Ago

Great lectures. The Professor made the class straightforward and clear in terms of assignments, due dates, and expectations. The study guide he provides is useful to know the important topics for exams.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 3 Years Ago

His lectures are very clear. Quizzes based on lecture info.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 3 Years Ago

ASYNC lectures but you can tell he is a very nice person and passionate. Labs which are fairly easy and allowed to collaborate with peers. Discussion board also but not very useful in my opinion. Tests were fair and explicitly gives you a list of what will be on the exam. Very organized as well & sends weekly emails to remind us of due dates, etc..

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

I enjoyed this class and found the difficulty level more than manageable. Taking notes is v important and helps a lot for the tests. I took class Fall 19 (in person) so attendance was mandatory then with iClicker questions. Labs were kinda cool and easy, TA was helpful. Not an easy A, but definitely not a hard A. Would recommend

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

I had Prof. Moore fall quarter! The class is very information-heavy so you NEED to pay attention in every lecture. I found that rewriting the cladograms and using Quizlet helped the most for both the midterm and the final. Labs arent hard, but its good to ask your TA questions before turning them in. Overall, it was an interesting course!

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

Very few homework assignments, the ones you do get are pretty easy. Lecture was super dry at the beginning of the quarter, but once he actually starts talking about dinosaurs it was more enojyable. There was a lab that took place during section each week, they were easy. Tests are fine if you study and MEMORIZE THE CLADOGRAMS. Otherwise, good luck.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

He is a great professor! He respects everyone in his class. The best thing in his class is that he post everything (lecture slides and notes) on the Guachospace. I did not pay much attention on his lecture but studies his slides and notes very very very specific. I think you can get A if u go over his material. Honestly, his exams will be tricky.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

Moore is clearly very well educated in his field and is a unique and engaging lecturer. Earth 7 is a course that requires heavy memorization, but I believe he is good at making the material memorable. With HW and labs, the class is definitely easy to pass. If you skip lecture, all slides and notes are posted online so that is nice.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

The test were super complicated lots of memorization and expects too much from you for the exams . Questions are tricky and no curve is applied!

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

John Moore is a really passionate teacher, and I really enjoyed Dinosaurs with him. Lots of memorization though.

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

The Professor is so nice. He updates both his lecture notes and lecture slides. The lecture notes are comprehensive and cover all the materials in the class. The test is not easy, but he adds six points for everyone. The class is easy to pass because it is not hard to obtain 95% on the lab and homework. Indeed, there are lots of stuff to memorize

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EARTH7 . Moore J 4 Years Ago

The lecture and homework are easy but the test is not. It involves a lot of memorizing, which includes three insanely complex cladograms that contain all species' name and their characteristics. You are expected to remember every detail on them or you will lose most of the point in the exam. The average on the exam is 72% and he WON'T CURVE.

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