
Rate My Professors (29)

Glob2 . 3 Months Ago

this brother is actually from hell. condescending. dropped the f word in the middle of the lecture to seem hip. the readings are long and dense ASF. JCC thinks he's like a prophet and just rambles about nothing for his lectures it's actually unbearable. my TA was chill tho, he didn't even like JCC

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Content wise the material is interesting. As a professor, however, he sucks. He's condescending to people who ask questions and his TAs. The final and midterm appear purposely worded to trip you up. Also, he made the final essay due the day after Thanksgiving which was just plain rude. Midterm- 20%, Final essay-30%, Final-25%

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Don't take this class with him. He is a terrible professor: lectures are boring, hard to hear, he goes off on tangents, there's an insane amount of reading, and he makes you feel bad for asking genuine questions. midterm and final were okay content-wise but there were typos throughout and he had to clarify/rewrite numerous problems as we took it.

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

DISORGANIZED. His lectures are non-linear and difficult to follow, often going off on pointless tangents. He doesn't communicate with his TAs, leaving them unable to clarify his confusing essay guidelines, lectures, or exam questions that aim to trip you up rather than test you on material. He seems constantly flustered and unprepared. Avoid.

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Don't bother asking questions not only will he not anwser, but he will be mean and condesending. Also don't bother emailing him, he wont respond. Also don't bother studying the tests are litterlay just mind games.

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFESSOR! This is by far the most horrible teacher I have ever had in my life. I promise that NO amount of studying can prepare you for his tests, knowing the material does not matter as the weird multiple choice is only trying to trick you. I hope he sees this review and does some self reflection!!!

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Lectures are usually incoherent with some sort of tangent in mind, rarely explains concepts related to the material. Guidelines for some assignments like essays can be vague, even gave a final paper over thanksgiving break. I was lucky to already have History knowledge before taking this class. Please just find another professor/class.

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

If this class is not for your major, do NOT take it, especially not with Professor Chen. He is a horrible lecturer who is always mumbling and often doesn't even complete his sentences. He speaks condescendingly to students and outright shames them for certain questions. It is very difficult to follow in class, even when paying full attention. 0/10

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Somehow manages to make a great topic boring and impossible to pay attention to. Lectures are unhelpful and vague. Lots of dense readings with hard, oddly specific tests. Talks so quietly and scrambled. Dodges questions and sometimes shames students who ask "bad" questions. He is pretty useless and makes himself as unhelpful as possible. Don't take

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Speaks softly and doesn't always finish his sentences...? Condescending and rude to students when they have questions. Not accessible through email, will not answer you. This idea of this class is interesting but the professor is horrible. Don't take this class!

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Glob2 . 6 Months Ago

Very condescending and unwilling to help students. Focuses lectures on his own research rather than concepts related to the course. Wants students to do work that he should be doing as a professor. Too rude to students who are just trying to learn the material. He defeats the purpose of wanting to learn/asking questions bc is always condescending.

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GL130 . 6 Months Ago

He is not a very kind professor, no room for error and does what he wants no matter how the students feel. Very lecture heavy and expects you to put in over 3 hours of work every week outside of the class. Tough grader, tough tests, just dont take this class with him.

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Glob2 . 7 Months Ago

Bad Lecturer. Slideshows are very hard to follow. Lots of readings. The midterm and final are questions about the most random things from the readings. Writing questions are confusing. Assigned an essay that was due during Thanksgiving break. Essay guidelines were unclear and hard to follow. Attendance is taken during lectures.

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Glob2 . 7 Months Ago

literally don't take this class unless it's an explicit requirement, anything else would be better than this. boring lecturer.. he sounds like he's just talking to himself so it's not easy to hear/ understand him. assigned a paper to be due the day after Thanksgiving. doesn't take attendance but there's a forum he'll have you post to during class

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Glob2 . 7 Months Ago

boring lectures, hard exams

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Glob2 . 7 Months Ago

Lectures overall not too structured or clear. Feel like what is discussed in lecture is more to form idea and most of it doesn't come back in midterm/endterm. Lots of readings. Would have liked better/clearer connection with content and readings. Overall it was fine

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Glob2 . 8 Months Ago

Confusing lecture talks in quiet volume. Extra hard workload and readings, incomprehensible writing prompts.

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GL130 . 8 Months Ago

Lots of reading and confusing lectures

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GLOBL171 . 4 Years Ago

Took this class remotely during the COVID quarter and it was pretty rocky. There were weekly assignments which were repetitive and overly lengthy, too much expected for forum participation. Luckily, he did cancel one assignment after complaints. The grading was the worst ever, our midterm grades aren't even out and the final is today...

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GLOBAL130 . 4 Years Ago

Worst professor I've ever had. His lectures had hardly any structure, he was always on some sort of tangent, and his powerpoint slides were just a bunch of graphs without clear information. He tests on the most minute details of the readings and assigns so MUCH reading! I didn't learn anything from his lectures. COVID-19 saved my grade.

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GLOBL130 . 4 Years Ago

He seems like a nice guy, but this class is way too hard for what it is. Unclear what we should have been studying - I was getting As in every assignment then failed the midterm. Lectures are super confusing. Would not have passed if it weren't for a wonderful TA. Do yourself a favor and take this class with a different professor.

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GLOBL130 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Chen is a definitive nightmare. He grades based on FAR too many things: iclicker, group project (many parts), reading reflections(twice weekly), midterm, final, participation. Average on our midterm was 45%. The readings were too difficult (the TA said this). He would force the TAs to police laptop use. Kicked someone out for laughing (?)

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GLOBL130 . 4 Years Ago

This class was really all over the place. The lectures are very hard to follow, section was the only place I actually learned. The average on our midterm was a 42%. Required bi-weekly readings responses, readings are VERY dense. Professor Chen frequently reprimanded students during lecture and even kicked out multiple students. very distracting.

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GLOBL130 . 5 Years Ago

Lots of reading w/ weekly reading responses, and info in lectures and readings don't always overlap. Midterm and final exams were really difficult and had weirdly worded questions. Huge quarter-long group project (a 10 page case study with a final presentation), which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about them. Lectures hard to follow

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