
Rate My Professors (32)

GLOBL130 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Chen is a definitive nightmare. He grades based on FAR too many things: iclicker, group project (many parts), reading reflections(twice weekly), midterm, final, participation. Average on our midterm was 45%. The readings were too difficult (the TA said this). He would force the TAs to police laptop use. Kicked someone out for laughing (?)

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GLOBL130 . 4 Years Ago

This class was really all over the place. The lectures are very hard to follow, section was the only place I actually learned. The average on our midterm was a 42%. Required bi-weekly readings responses, readings are VERY dense. Professor Chen frequently reprimanded students during lecture and even kicked out multiple students. very distracting.

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GLOBL130 . 6 Years Ago

Lots of reading w/ weekly reading responses, and info in lectures and readings don't always overlap. Midterm and final exams were really difficult and had weirdly worded questions. Huge quarter-long group project (a 10 page case study with a final presentation), which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about them. Lectures hard to follow

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GL130 . 6 Years Ago

Good guy: realized the readings were too dense and automatically tried changing his teaching method so the class could understand the content; showed documentaries that helped bring some life to the concepts; midterm was difficult but the final was fair; group project wasn't hard, 10 pg. paper and 7 min presentation on economic issue of our choice.

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GLOB130 . 6 Years Ago

The class was all over the place. Not a good lecturer very monotone, for the last couple of weeks he just kept playing movies. Readings are extremely dense! Midterm and final were some of the hardest exams I've taken at UCSB.

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GLST130 . 6 Years Ago

Prof. Chen seems like a nice person but he definitely needs to improve as a lecturer. The readings are long and dense and I do not know if this is due to my own incompetence but I could not find the groove of the class; it felt really disconnected. The group project is not bad at all; 10-12 pages and a brief presentation on an issue of your choice.

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GLOBAL130 . 6 Years Ago

Chen isa very serious and intimidating prof, I think I have seen him smirk only once during the entire quarter. The midterm was so hard that the class average score was below 50%. We only found out about our Midterm grades during finals week and it was just a scantron. (how hard can it be to grade a scantron). Very dense lectures. Not recommended

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GLOBL13O . 6 Years Ago

There are weekly reading responses and a group case study that takes place throughout the quarter and ends with a 12 page paper and presentation. The midterm was multiple choice but pretty hard. Chen struggles to find his footing as an instructor. Not an inspiring lecture and it's easy to slack off and forget due dates but don't! They will get you

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