Her powerpoint and lectures are great, BUT her multiple choice test are a KILLER. Be ready to know your stuff left and right, front and back in order to do well.
Great lecturer because her power points are very clear and organized. However, on the tests she will try her hardest to trick you. You think all multiple choice is easy until you get to her class. But as a teacher she is very clear and helpful
I thought her lectures were interesting - esp. given the content - and she was funny. I went to class, paid attention, and participated and did well. She does try to trick you on tests, though.
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Her test are way difficult... I dont understand why teachers try to trick you when in the real word people dont trick you then tell you straight forward what kind of experiment/research they are doing!!!
Her tests are HORRIBLE...get ready for tricky questions designed to test your memorization skills!
Great teacher and super nice; really connects with her students and is eager to help one-on-one. No, her classes are not easy, but they shouldn't be (this is university level, remember?). Mullin requires more than simple memorization to succeed in her classes, which ultimately leads to a more rewarding learning experience. I really enjoyed her!
She's a good lecturer. Her slides are well outlined and easy to understand. Also, she uses a lot of examples and anecdotes to make the lecture more interesting and the materials to be more understandable. But you need to put a lot of effort to actually do well. Detailed notes and office hours would be helpful.
Non of these lower division classes were easy! She is an awesome person and is very helpful. She will go out of her way for you, but don't be fooled by her- SHE IS A HARD PROF and anyone who says she is easy is wrong! Not only do you have to read all the material you have to take excellent notes. I worked my ass off and the best I did was an A-!!!
Mullin is great. Even though the material can be a bit dull at times she knows how to spice it up with anecdotes, movie clips, jokes and student participation. I learned a lot in this class and i recommend it to anyone somewhat interested in the field.
She is an excellent professor. She will help you whenever you have a question. You need to read the textbook and take good lecture notes to get a good grade in the class. The research project is pretty time consuming but not too bad. Everyone tried to scare me about "Mullin's tests" but if you study and apply yourself you will do fine!
She's very clear and writes excellent tests. Very approachable and friendly. The course material is kind of boring, but not too much work so it's no big deal. The biggest part of the course is a research paper, but it's so spread out it's no sweat.
She really is a nice lady but she sucks as a professor who teaches lowerdivsion. Her classes are ****en hard!!! Too much work for a UD class- and those dam papers are hard. Who writes research papers as an Undergrad? **** that! Her classes are challenging to say the least, even for those who study.
her voice annoys the living**** outta me. very hard class to stay awake at 8 in the morning. tests are pretty tricky, but not too bad. just keep up with the readings and your okay.
The class was not very interesting, and Mullin has an extremely annoying way of speaking that really got to me by the end of the class. However, it was an easy A if you go to lecture and do your papers JUST AS THEY'RE OUTLINED THE READER. If you do all this, you should be fine.
her class isn't hard if you make sure you know the models for the test and you read the text. lecture is just like the book, but i definitely recommend going to class and writing down her examples in addition to notes. this helps for the tests. the paper were the hardest part in my opinion.
can be an easy class if you take it right. go to lecture and meet with your TA. Take drafts of your paper to your TA and you should have absolutely no problem in the class. Lectures are kind of boring, but not too bad.
This prof. is great however, it is not an easy class. Her midterm and final are very tricky and for the final study the book material it is really needed. I worked my ass off, learned a lot but got a B. I was disapointed however I am double majoring in comm. b/c of her! Def. not an easy A.
Exactly what the last person said... Plus shes a total sweetheart. Shes hilarious too, She made me laugh everyday. Loved the class, and am now thinking of double majoring in comm just becasue she makes it so fun and interesting~
AsK your friends for their lecture notes because her lectures are the SAME every quarter, word for word, clip by clip. Memorize the lecture notes for the tests, and youre golden!
This is a great class. Don't be fooled by the easy subject matter...tests are tricky. She is really entertaining. She uses good examples (video clips, life experiences, etc.) and actually engages the class. Some may disagree, but I loved her jokes. Take this class if you have the chance!
the video clips in lecture were entertaining. Lectures are very structured and easy to follow
Way easy class, no day to day work, study a night before the midterm, easy stuff...papers are pretty easy as well. TA Kim was great, made section entertaining, very rare for this University. Easy writing GE
very entertaining, lectures are clear and organized. Depsite of what others say, she is funny and her examples make the class easy to understand. Hard multiple choice tests...