
Rate My Professors (29)

ERTH101 . 5 Months Ago

I have no idea how Jatila has bad reviews. She is so nice and wants her students to succeed. She is passionate about astronomy and her lectures are very clear and easy to follow. I really recommend her!

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ERTH101 . 9 Months Ago

I was so excited to take this class, but she didn't teach. She literally did not teach us anything. She just assigned work and students had to teach ourselves. Try to avoid her if you can!

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ART101 . 3 Years Ago

Took this class during the summer thinking - how hard could a lower division Astronomy course be? Over 10 things due every week, extremely hard grader, and unclear on directions for her labs (and there are a lot of them). Better off taking another class if you were already drained from the school year.

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PHYS6A . 3 Years Ago

Professor van der Veen did not lecture at all and just posted the old lectures of another professor which didn't help much. Changed the grading scale at the last minute, lots of homework, and not helpful/accessible through office hours or email. Had to teach myself everything.

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ERTH101 . 3 Years Ago

She's so sweet. She wants everyone to do well and genuinely loves what she's teaching. This made me more interested in the material. Would recommend.

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

A prime example of the drawbacks of a research institute. Absolutely, positively the worst professor of my education at UCSB. She did not teach a single lecture; sent us links to the author of the textbook instead. No help at all through email.

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

Didn't give a single lecture or teach at all all quarter. Horribly rude and aggressive with emails. Changed syllabus last minute. Worst class I've taken at UCSB.

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

Did not record any of her own lectures, did not make up any of her own homework, and then complained about having to write her own exam problems because students were looking the others up on google. Just totally hypocritical and unprofessional.

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

Used another teachers test and then complained that people found the answers. The test questions she wrote made no sense, changed syllabus and final date week 5/6 of a 6 week session. She didn't lecture or do anything for this class. Very rude to students who emailed her. She did give extra credit at the end but that was it, avoid if you can!!!!

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PHYSICS6A . 4 Years Ago

This is the worst teacher I have had at UCSB. She didn't do a single lecture, but posted "lectures" from the man who writes the textbook. This class was completely self taught which is awful considering it was already crammed as a 6 week summer session. Super frustrated with the fact that I've paid this much money for a class I had to teach myself

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

I was EXTREMELY disappointed in this class. 1) She made changes to the syllabus the week before finals, raising the % needed for each grade because the class was doing too well in her opinion 2) Her emails were extremely condescending. She always told people not to complain and not to email her 3) She never lectured, we learned by ourselves

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

Terrible professor who does not teach at all. Used another professors exam questions and complained that people found the answers. Those she did write were poorly worded and made no sense at all. Would respond back with condescending emails and told students to stop emailing her for help. Avoid taking her at all cost if you can.

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PHYS6A . 4 Years Ago

NEVER TAKE A CLASS FROM HER!! She didn't teach a single thing. Used another professor's lectures. Didn't write her own test or practice problems. Students who were having issues and emailed her received a snarky reply about how busy she was and how we shouldn't have excuses. Made changes to the syllabus 3/4 of the way through the quarter.

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PHYS1 . 6 Years Ago

She was nice and understanding when you went to office hours but lecture was basically useless. I didn't learn a thing from it since it was so terribly formatted. She gave a fat curve at the end tho

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

This is the best professor that I have ever seen. Maybe her lecture is so confuse, but her test is too easy, and she has the extra credit, so don't worry about the grade. She will curve on final, and change the policy.

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

Avoid. She does not teach a single thing. Have to teach yourself.

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PHYSICS1 . 7 Years Ago

Lectures are worthless and you're expected to teach yourself all the material before class and be able to approach solving problems on your own without any background beforehand. Lots of hard homework and tests are impractically hard. She herself doesn't seem to know physics and ended up having to change the grading scale so people could pass

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

LOL she does not lecture. She expects us to read the chapter first, finish all the hw, and fully understand the material. She likes to do a lot of iclicker problems so attendance matters. She has a short temper and likes to waste time in class instead of showing us how she wants us to show work on the free response. If you didn't take phys in hs gl

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

I have never expected a professor can have such a worse quality.

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

She focuses a lot on trying to get the class to be more quiet than actually teaching the class. She also focuses on trying to be respected as a professor than actually teaching the class. Her class is essentially her doing practice problems on the homework you had the night before without fully explaining concepts that are vital to know on tests.

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

The worst lecturer I've ever met. Don't know how she get into UCSB.

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

lectures are basically useless as she doesnt really teach the material. students who havent taken ap physics before in high school will struggle. try to get another professor if possible

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PHYS1 . 7 Years Ago

literally the worst. avoid at all costs. will make up random stuff to prove her point if students have taken physics before in high school and call her out for bsing. if this is your first ever physics class with VDV, you're setting yourself up for failure.

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PHYS1 . 8 Years Ago

She's really nice and does her best to teach physics, but (and I think this goes for all the Physics 1 professors) the flip learning style is really not helpful at all. Easy class if you do MasteringPhysics and really try to understand physics through it. On a side note, physics sections are pretty useless in general.

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