Rate My Professors (102)

MATH4A . Schley N B 9 Months Ago

He is a real bozi txa

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MATH102A . Schley N B 9 Months Ago

40% HW, 15% per two Midterms, 30% Final Group Project. We don't know more than half of our hw grades by the end of the course; "lectures" are hand-out papers + some math joke + "yay do it yourself!"; midterm reviews is him verbatim reading midterm topics + not elaborating; office hours are with other classes so not too helpful; good grade = do hw

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MATH4A . Schley N B 9 Months Ago

Homework assignments aren't too bad, and gives a good chunk of extra credit. However, lectures and slides aren't as comprehensive as they probably should be, and self-study is required to excel.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 9 Months Ago

This professor is just not good. His lectures were just bad; they didn't help in the slightest. Another professor seemingly makes his slides and he will often presents as if its his first time seeing them. He simply doesn't care about a lower division class. The class was easy if instead of listening to him, you had math majors explain the topics.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 9 Months Ago

Professor Schley is nice with grading, but lectures are boring and unclear at times. 11% extra credit if you do your HW early and lowest midterm grade is dropped. You'll have to teach yourself mostly since his lectures are a bit confusing. He has weekly quizzes which are fine if you know the material. Midterms are difficult, so practice a lot.

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MATH102A . Schley N B 10 Months Ago

best professor ive had at ucsb as both a teacher and a person but he has adhd like a golden retriever

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MATH4A . Schley N B 10 Months Ago

He is a very nice guy, but not a good teacher. He skips through his slides so fast, and his explanations are confusing (he confuses himself), so I have to entirely teach it all to myself. Usually 3-4 webworks per week, with extra credit if you turn it in 3 days early, BEFORE he teaches the material. I dedicated way too much time to this class.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 10 Months Ago

Super sweet guy but my god the lectures aren't helpful at all. I had to figure out how to do the problems on my own. The quizzes are fine if you've been doing the hw but the midterms/exams are much harder and the hw does not prepare you for them. Also a lot of vocab for a math class but that's not his fault

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MATH4A . Schley N B 10 Months Ago

Order of the class was all over the place and his lectures hardly ever matched what was on the homework. Very sweet guy, but confuses students by going off on long tangents in class. Tests were heavy on the conceptual ideas and not computation. Expected too much out of students who were seeing this material for the first time.

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MATH117 . Schley N B 10 Months Ago

He's a great teacher, I believe the material is really hard to grasp just with his lectures alone. His class is really tough if you don't self-study for hours on top of that there is a lot of homework. 30% homework, 30% midterm, 40% final. A very tough grader.

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MATH117 . Schley N B 11 Months Ago

He is a cool guy and a talented person. I have taken his math4b, which I think is interesting, so I chose his math117. However, he is not very good at teaching and it takes time to keep up with his lecture. More sadly, there is tonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns of homework and many classmates feel the same. That's it and I have to keep working on my homework.

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MATH117 . Schley N B 11 Months Ago

More homework than I can do in a lifetime

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MATH108B . Schley N B 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

Dr. Schley is one of those instructors who very much cares about people learning. I greatly enjoyed his teaching style and willingness to revisit topics when needed. Of course, the material is difficult but he makes it much more exciting and gives motivation behind the proofs. I would definitely take another class with him!

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Schley is a caring person, but he is not a good lecturer at all. His lectures do not prepare you well for the midterms and barely taught anything. Made his final short, but very point heavy and brought my A down to a B+. I suggest going to CLAS and teaching yourself if you want any grade above a C. Offered extra credit.

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Prof was nice caring guy but he could barely teach the class. He did not prepare us well for the midterms. Made 1st midterm wk 2 of class, and for the other ones he did not provide an answer key for practice exams. Lecture was really useless and I had no idea what was going on. If you want to get an A in this class, GO TO CLAS and drop in hours.

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MATH4B . Schley N B 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

He seriously cared a lot, and was genuinely happy that we did well. I've never seen a professor put in so much effort into his notes, albeit kinda messy. He did not lecture from the textbook, or use it at all tbh. Was willing to cover topics that were supposed to be but weren't taught in 4A. Lots of extra credit w/ homework, midterms were fair.

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Schley is one of the nicest teachers I've had here at UCSB. He is super kind and cares a lot about his students doing well in his class. The lectures can be slightly disorganized, but there are so many helpful resources provided if you don't understand the material. He offers plenty of extra credit and even rounds grades up. He's great!

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MATH4B . Schley N B 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Don't take this professor. you will need to teach yourself all of the material. Jit claims he spends 7 hours on notes but notes have mistake in every lecture. He doesn't post the completed solutions to the notes online so you have to go to lecture but you wont learn anything. Exams arent too crazy but I taught the entire course material to myself.

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

He doesn't post the solution to problems done in class so make sure you attend lecture, WebWork hw is insane but he does give extra credit if you do it early, but sometimes it's impossible to do it because he hasn't even gone over those topics yet. Exams are very confusing, and he's unclear on what's gonna be tested; you never know what to expect.

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

It is very clear that Dr. Schley wants his students to succeed. HW is unlimited tries and you get extra credit for completing homework assignments early. He removes exam questions that might've caused confusion. He is very accessible outside of class. He truly cares about his students and it shows. If you put in the effort, its easy to succeed

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MATH34A . Schley N B 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

After reading these ratings at the beginning of the quarter I thought "Maybe he isn't that bad" I greatly underestimated just how bad someone could be at teaching. The lectures were unorganized, he constantly made mistakes, made topics overly complicated, etc. Possibly the worst experience I've ever had with an educator. Avoid if possible.

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MATH34B . Schley N B 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

I think I did well in this class simply because I already had a pretty good foundation of calc prior to taking this class, not necessarily because of his teaching. Lectures were sometimes confusing and students often had to correct him on several problems.

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MATH34B . Schley N B 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

You could replace him with a bar of soap and learn more. Sign up for CLAS before signing up for him as a professor. You'll get away more from the tutors than the Pillsbury dough boy who runs that classroom. This is the 3rd time I am posting my comment after this dude requested to remove people's honest reviews twice, no shame!

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MATH3B . Schley N B 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

He was always asking for ways to improve his lectures. However, I often found his lectures to be a bit unorganized. In my opinion, you definitely need to read the textbook to do well in this class. Gave lots of extra-credit. Overall a very kind and caring professor, lectures could be improved a bit so give him suggestions if he asks!

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