Nathan Schley

91 reviews
Lots of homework EXTRA CREDIT Caring Accessible outside class Tough grader Get ready to read Test heavy Graded by few things Group projects Participation matters Amazing lectures Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Gives good feedback Hilarious Inspirational Beware of pop quizzes Respected Online Savvy
Past quarters
123 / 150 Enrolled
Differential Equations
Nathan Schley 2.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
24 / 45 Enrolled
Modern Euclidean and Noneuclidean Geometry
Nathan Schley 2.6
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
MATH 191
0 / 35 Enrolled
Mathematics Transition for Transfer Students
Nathan Schley 2.6
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
See All
MATH 4A Schley N B Fall 2023 Total: 139
MATH 102A Schley N B Fall 2023 Total: 40
MATH 117 Schley N B Fall 2023 Total: 46
MATH 8 Schley N B Summer 2023 Total: 17
See All
MATH4A . Schley N B A Month Ago

Schley is more concerned with teaching himself how to code than actually teaching you. The only knowledge comes from (rushed) lectures, which are primarily his rambling rather than teaching you any material. When there is information, it's somehow wrong. Think you can learn in office hours? Only about his personal side projects. Not recommended.

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MATH6B . Schley N B 2 Months Ago

lecture notes are copied from online, not that helpful since he basically just explains in very abstract ways the "mathematical intuition" but doesn't really go over concrete examples. prepare to self study/ask ta. gives out extra credit for doing hw early (before he goes over the concept in lecture) so just self study, midterm has stuff not taught

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MATH4B . Schley N B 2 Months Ago

it was okay could be better to be honest.

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MATH8 . Schley N B 2 Months Ago

Professor Schley is genuinely the worst professor I have ever had at UCSB. He would not tell us what was on the midterm and he told us three days before that we needed to know 3 more chapters and his practice test was so hard so I dropped the class.

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MATH4B . Schley N B 2 Months Ago

- A LOT of WebWork homework. (2~3 per week) - Extra HW Credit if you complete 3 days in advance (basically self study) - Lecture: 3/5. Slides: 4/5. As the others said, he likes to teach "different approaches" to problems. I love it and this is the exact reason I chose his class in the first place, but you might not.

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MATH4B . Schley N B 3 Months Ago

Lectures are hard to follow. He talks about his preferred way to approach problems which are actually useful sometimes even if they seem like they won't be. His tests are super easy.

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MATH4B . Schley N B 4 Months Ago

Overcomplicates concepts because he finds the different version of solving something "cool." You can get extra credit on every HW if you turn it in early, aka before he teaches it. So, you have to teach yourself/cheat to get that EC. Tests are fair, but you won't learn what you need from class. Use CLAS if you have him.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 4 Months Ago

Professor Schley is a pretty decent teacher. He obviously cares a lot about his students and puts a lot of effort into every lecture. He gives an enormous amount of extra credit(11%) for each homework assignment turned in three days early. I found his lectures a little hard to follow at first but that could just be the nature of linear algebra.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 4 Months Ago

I think Schley gets a little too much hate. He is a very nice guy, he gives off the vibe that he cares about his job, and is passionate about what he is teaching. With that being said I think he gives WAY too much homework, and his lectures can be challenging to follow. He is very smart, but isn't the best at explaining concepts thoroughly.

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MATH4B . Schley N B 4 Months Ago

Terrible lecture, no idea what he was talking about. He seemed to be teaching only the few people in front of him. Self-study is required.

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MATH4A . Schley N B 6 Months Ago

Prof. Nathan makes a concerted effort to focus on applications of concepts, which I find really great. IMO, he goes too slow. He assumes you've mastered the previous week's material, which was fine for me, but that's where he lost most other students. His grading's lenient: infinite HW retakes, quizzes are only 5%, and he drops our lowest midterm.

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MATH117 . Schley N B 6 Months Ago

Really hard grader!

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