
Rate My Professors (52)

6A . 6 Years Ago

Doesnt mess around with things outside of the test often.

2 helpful 4 unhelpful
MATH108A . 6 Years Ago

The worst ever

5 helpful 6 unhelpful
101A . 7 Years Ago

one of the worst lecturers, heavy accent, low tone of voice, gets lost in her own lecture, grades really tough, BUT huge curve on the class grades.

4 helpful 4 unhelpful
MATH6A . 8 Years Ago

Engaging prof with an interesting and elegant way of doing math. Gives practice tests a few days before the actual exam that are very similar to the real thing. Curves the class in such a way that a 78 is an A. Has iClicker, and difficult webworks that barely correlate to the course material, but power through enough of it and you'll be fine.

3 helpful 5 unhelpful
6A . 8 Years Ago

I love that her practice exams were very similar to her actual exams. You know exactly what to expect going into tests as long as you understand the practice problems. I would take her again in a heartbeat. And she is very nice and admits to her somewhat frequent but minor mistakes in lecture unlike a lot of other professors.

3 helpful 2 unhelpful
6A . 8 Years Ago

She goes over powerpoints in detail and then does examples to explain every concept. She also prepares practice exams for the midterm and final and gives review sessions. Overall, I think she did a great job.

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MATH4A . 8 Years Ago

She's easily one of the best, if not the very professor in the Math department at UCSB. She's extremely helpful with office hours, once I went to go review a midterm and I got points back because I had misinterpreted what a question was asking but successfully answered what I thought it meant so she's very understanding unlike many professors.

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6A . 8 Years Ago

The professor is very beautiful and her lecture is amazing.

2 helpful 5 unhelpful
MATH4A . 8 Years Ago

Homework was assigned for every lecture, one midterm and one final. She gives practice test which are VERY similar to the actual test so its definitely possible to get an A. Basically if you know how to do the homework, go to math drop in or to the TAs and know how to do every problem on the practice test and you're set. Lectures weren't helpful.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH4A . 9 Years Ago

Panagioutou teaches through lecture slides, which is not the most efficient method to lecture in mathematics. Expect more theoretical rather than computational examples in lecture and prepare for her unorganized and unconventional way of teaching Math 4A. Homework assignments were easy and short; exams were simple and straight-forward.

0 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATH4A . 9 Years Ago

Panagiotou is a terrible teacher. Seriously, you might as well teach yourself, you'll learn more that way. She assigns a ton of HW, some of which is due the next day after her convoluted mess of a lecture. Mandatory attendance through iclickers (though not too much). The good part is that her grading scale is easy, as are her tests. Caution.

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MATH8 . 9 Years Ago

I was retaking math8, and she was a much better professor than my previous one. Homework and tests are very fair. She has an accent, but she's very clear. I'd take again.

5 helpful 0 unhelpful
4A . 9 Years Ago

I hate to give bad reviews to professors, but she is not a good teacher. English isn't her first language. She had trouble expressing herself, and her lectures were difficult to follow because she jumped around so much. Iclicker questions every class, a lot of homework. USE CLAS

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MATH108A . 9 Years Ago

Homework was hard, midterm was really hard, final was easy. Her expectations were not clear for the midterm until a few days before which is what made it hard. She gives a review for each exam. She moves fast in class but always asks if anyone has questions. The homework was hard. I always went to office hours to get help. Book wasn't essential.

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MATH8 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Panagiotou is a really nice professor. Go to her office hours, its super helpful. Her tests are similar to her practice midterms and finals so if you understand all the material on them you will most than likely pass her tests. She goes based of the book a lot, and she has quizzes in some of her lectures. I would take her again!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
108A . 9 Years Ago

Eleni is super nice, but her lectures come straight from the book (not good). She also switched her office hours around a lot this quarter, making it hard to go to. She also left town before giving the final, another prof is covering for her. And she emailed us at 12 am the day of the final saying some of her practice final solutions were wrong.

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108A . 9 Years Ago

Worst teacher I've ever had in UCSB. Accent is hard to understand sometimes. Just copy stuff right off the book on the blackboard. Not clear at all on answering questions. And her graders are just ridiculous . Just avoid her as much as you can.

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MATH8 . 9 Years Ago

She was always helpful during OH and also worked with you schedule if you couldn't go. Brilliant professor, reasonable hw, annoying random quizzes, very good explaining. The midterm and final were just like the practice ones and she gives plenty of optional practice problems. If you do all the recommended work and reading, you'll be okay.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH6A . 9 Years Ago

She's not a very good explainer but gives fairly easy tests. The review she gives for both the midterm and final are very similar to the tests it shouldn't be a hard class

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8 . 9 Years Ago

She's brilliant and knows her math. When it comes to teaching, however, two complaints: hardly provides additional insight since her lectures are almost copied off the textbook, and frequently rushes through examples. Expect this class to be hard, FYI. I definitely felt like I over-studied but her midterm and final were very reasonable.

5 helpful 0 unhelpful
6A . 9 Years Ago

Panagiotou speaks softly (with a bit of an accent) and loves her powerpoint slides, but she does have a good understanding of the material and is decent at conveying it. A lot of her lectures stem from the textbook, but you can get away with just using Paul's Online Notes. Uses iClickers for attendance, and tests were of reasonable difficulty.

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MATH6A . 10 Years Ago

Lectures were not helpful, graded iClicker questions were very stressful (not enough time to complete and insufficient explanation before-hand), Exams were difficult but the curve did help a lot. I ended up with an A because the material really isn't difficult, but it was a very stressful class, and I do not recommend taking it with Panagiotou.

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108A . 10 Years Ago

Really nice and helpful prof, she tries to make lectures clear, often asks if there are any questions, homework was reasonable, as were the tests, prof is available during OH, there were short quizzes on the readings in lecture, also side note she has great style

1 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATH6A . 10 Years Ago

I get why everyone on here is griping about her from Math 6A, but don't let that discourage you. Math is HARD. That's the nature of it. Yes, she could be more clear in lecture, but she has a genuine care for the students and nothing in this class was unreasonable. If you have an aversion to hard work, don't take this class.Otherwise, You'll be fine

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