
Rate My Professors (52)

MATH2200 . 4 Years Ago


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MATH34B . 5 Years Ago

Her accent is so thick! its so hard to pay attention

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MATH108A . 5 Years Ago

Honestly, I liked the teacher but It was her accent that made it hard to understand but overall she was great but she is kinda confusing, however office hours worked!

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MATH124A . 5 Years Ago

She can be pretty dry at times and sometimes stumbles on the derivations of certain PDEs but you can ignore this for the most part since she doesn't really worry about you being able to derive such things. She makes it pretty clear what you'll have to be able to do in order to do well in her tests. Let's you take a note card and fill it up. Solid.

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MATH1960 . 5 Years Ago

Reads from PowerPoints. No doubt she's intelligent, but that is useless when you don't know how to share what you know with your students. If you can't teach yourself, avoid this professor.

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MATH34B . 5 Years Ago

Panagiotou is a researcher, she cannot teach. She uses poerpoints to expain and almost never writes on the board unless shes just spent ten minutes verbalizing something to a student before she realizes its not working. Her teaching is a joke, she gets her own answers wrong, she curves everyone to a B even if they deserved an A- or D.

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34B . 6 Years Ago

She does not teach. She will give homework before every lecture and practice exams but the midterms and final are nothing like anything you see from her. I learned from my TA and teaching myself. Iclickers count as a part of your grade otherwise I never would have gone to lecture because I learned nothing.

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MATH3A . 6 Years Ago

I took this class and I hated it. I learned more by reading the book than by coming to class. Her homeworks did not align with lectures and she does not have any form of preparation for final or midterms. She also makes a lot of mistakes and makes everyone confused. I would not recommend her.

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MATH34B . 6 Years Ago

This professor is by far the worst anyone can take at UCSB; the material is straight forward if math is your strong suit. She reads off slides and can not explain AT ALL. Going to office hours, she tends to get frustrated when students don't understand her, makes me laugh at how inconsiderate she is to those who struggle in math. avoid her!!

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34B . 6 Years Ago

homework is the biggest time dump I've had for any class in UCSB so far. Get ready to have no time to study for your other classes. Attendance is mandatory with iclickers and if you miss one question all class you missed the attendance for the day and there's about 10 questions each class. I can't explain the inconvenience this class has caused.

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MATH34A . 6 Years Ago

DO NOT EVER TAKE THIS CLASS. One, she doesn't teach (not that she doesn't try) she just simply can't explain the material. Seems like she doesn't even know the material she's teaching. Not only does she not answer emails but, she doesn't answer questions at the end of class because she wants you to go to office hours which she cancels regularly.

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MATH108A . 6 Years Ago

She is by far the worst professor I have ever had at UC Santa Barbra. She is a disgrace to the university and teaching itself. She puts no effort in her job and just reads off of lecture slides. She is not very lenient with grading too. Avoid at all costs.

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34A . 6 Years Ago

AWFUL professor. I NEVER ever write reviews but she has been the WORST professor I ever had. She should find another job because this teaching is not for her. If you take her, you basically have to teach yourself. Her explanation is sub par and expects you to understand what she just said right after the first example. AVOID!!!!!

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34A . 6 Years Ago

Avoid that class if you can. Little to no explanation, the hw is early compared to the class leaving you to figure out the material by yourself. Lectures are just a continuum of iclicker questions without any point to them.

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34A . 6 Years Ago

Probably one of the worst teachers out there. Asks for very demanding homework while not teaching it in lecture. Reads off the slides, and expects us to master topics under 30 seconds. Isn't even able to solve the problems herself, and yells in her mic to make sure you can't focus on what is being asked of you. Don't recommend.

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6A . 6 Years Ago

don't like her. Her accent's heavy. She messed up with schedules. We do a lot of homework without being taught.

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MATH117 . 6 Years Ago

I found this to be a pretty easy class and I feel like I learned a lot. You will have about 1 pop quiz a week, but they are all definitions so just review them before class (and then tests are easier because they are already memorized). Her tests are practically the same as the practice exams. Tells you the curve on syllabus (thick curve).

0 helpful 5 unhelpful
34A . 6 Years Ago

I took math 34A with her my Freshman year and it was the worst experience ever. I struggled the whole way through because she doesn't explain problems but rather just clicks through a slide show that it seems like she has never seen before. She has at least 5 clickers each lecture that count for a grade. Don't take this class!!!!!

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6A . 6 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors so far. Simple lectures; she introduces the topic and gives examples on how to do the problems and answers any question you have. Generous curve. Difficult to contact by email, going to office hours is your best bet.

1 helpful 7 unhelpful
34A . 6 Years Ago

one of the worst professors i have had at ucsb. She does not explain problems but simply tells you to do the problem and expects you to just know things. Do not take this professor under any curcumstances

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6A . 6 Years Ago

Worst math professor I've ever had. She cannot teach whatsoever. She basically reads off of her lecture slides and does 1-3 examples on the board but she does not explain anything.... The homework is insanely hard and this class was overall terrible. Sure, the midterm was the same as the practice midterm, but in the end I learned nothing from her..

4 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH6A . 6 Years Ago

midterm was exactly like the practice midterm, final was much more difficult than the practice final. homework deadlines got extended every time. I honestly hated her lectures, they were super boring but participation was iclicker. I learned everything in CLAS and section. I swear there was no curve...

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MATH6A . 6 Years Ago

Surprisingly, this class was kinda fun. She frequently stops during lectures to answer questions and explains her work/answers well. The curve is generous and makes the class really manageable. Gives you roughly a week to do the homeworks (online) and often extended the deadlines. One of the better math professors I've had.

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MATH6A . 6 Years Ago

She is very nice and easygoing. If you make a careless mistake on your exam and show that you have fully comprehended the material she might give your grade back. Good lecturer, just a lil quiet.

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