
Rate My Professors (35)

ISLA201 . 3 Years Ago

Professor Ednie's class ISLA 201. She is a very nice person, the stories she shares in class are fun. But when it came to assignments I felt lost. They used exactly the book's instructions, which were sometimes very confusing. Most all my work I turned in I am only 60% sure I did it right. She is very accommodating of health problems.

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FEM80 . 7 Years Ago

She gives you a ridiculous amount of assignments, but it's actually good because you can build up points early & not work as hard later. Mandatory discussion questions every class so attendance is a must to pass. Very interesting subject & a great professor!

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Garrison is really sweet and passionate about this subject. Lecture and section are mandatory but its very easy to pass if you do the homework early then you dont have to worry about the class for the rest of the quarter.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

FEMST 20 does not have any midterms or a real final, just a final group project. It is a homework-heavy course but the assignments are usually simple and enjoyable. Attendance is mandatory and you are graded on participation during section but it's overall a worthwhile course. Dr. Garrison's lectures are interesting and entertaining.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

This class is super unorganized but an easy a you have to do homework to get and A but i was done with the homework by midterm season. Overall really easy and a fun lecture to sit in.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Ednie is very passionate about the subject, although lectures could feel repetitive at times. You pick which assignments you want to do, and you must engage with the texts and lectures for each one. The homework helped me better grasp the themes of the course. I felt like I learned a lot, and discussions were fun to participate in.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Ednie was a great professor! Totally cool and inspirational woman. Definitely an easy A class if you do the work, but the work is not difficult. She really cares about the needs and well-being of all of her students. Lecture was cancelled quite a bit and she tended to ramble on but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Garrison is such an amazing speaker. I was left in awe by many of her lectures. She is understanding and compassionate. There are no tests and you can select which assignments to complete because it is a point based class, where many extra points are given. It is a writing intensive class and attendance is accounted for.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

No tests or quizzes ever!!! Grade based on class participation and homework. Really cool grading system that is flexible. Amazing lectures and discussions. She really gets students to think outside the box. The things Ive learned from this class are boundless. Ednie is funky and quirky and her teaching style always makes for an interesting class.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

This class was amazing. No final and no midterm! She makes it easy to get an A in the class if you actually try. There is a lot of homework assignments but theyre not difficult just tedious. You only have to do a certain amount of hw assignments and then youre done for the rest of the quarter. I think I stopped 3 weeks before break.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

Lecture got cancelled about 5 times throughout the quarter and class seemed a bit unorganized due to frequent technical errors. However, Dr. Garrison is a passionate and funny professor, and i looked forward to her class bc i loved hearing what she had to say. Say on top of your work bc you can finish all course work by week 4 (like i did).

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

So easy to get a good grade in her class. She's designed this course so that you could (depending on how you keep up with the work) be done with all of your work for the class halfway through the quarter (minus the final of course). She's also really passionate about what she teaches and is just a sweet and caring person overall.

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FEMST20 . 7 Years Ago

This is hands down the easiest class you'll ever take. You only have to do half of the assignments to get full points for CLR, which counts for most of your grade. Professor Ednie is pretty nice and funny, and most of the work is graded based on completion, so I bs my essays and still get full points.

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FEM50 . 8 Years Ago

The material was interesting, but week after week it seems like all the readings were the same. She was extremely unorganized, and she was always going off on a tangent. Ednie doesn't use powerpoint she just stands in front of the class and talks for hours about whatever comes to mind. Very sweet person, but not the best professor.

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FEM80 . 8 Years Ago

A really easy A. You just have to do the homework in order to pass and if you plan ahead strategically you can basically pass the class with minimal effort. No midterm and finals! But you do have to do the reading since you need the information to answer lecture prompts, but you can get away with reading 2/3 of them.

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FEMST80 . 8 Years Ago

Really easy class, took it as a GE. No midterm or final, but technically the final is a group project in which you have to present in section and then attend this gathering during finals week to grade everyone else's projects. As long as you do the reading and the homework you'll be fine, since she takes attendance by giving prompts in lecture.

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FEM181 . 8 Years Ago

Prof Garrison is very intelligent, but she hardly teaches you anything. She had students lead the discussion EVERY meeting so she didn't lecture us at all. Grading criteria was very unclear. Hardly replies to emails. She even submitted our final grades two weeks after the university deadline. I never hope to have another class with Garrison again.

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FEM80 . 8 Years Ago

Ednie is really passionate about what she teaches. She tries to understand the students' problems and overall is open to any questions and discussion. She lets you choose which assignments to do for credit and you should do the reading but can get away with just doing a few of them each night. Attendance is a must but you'll want to be there.

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FEMST20 . 9 Years Ago

She requires attendance but you don't learn a whole lot in lecture because she is pretty disorganized. I enjoyed her class and if you go to class and do the online assignments you will get an A. However, her lectures were frustratingly disorganized and she could have covered a lot more material if she came to class prepared.

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FEMST80 . 9 Years Ago

Garrison's lectures are all over the place. She's very difficult to follow. She is very intelligent, but she is not at all the best teacher in the fem department. I wouldn't recommend taking her classes unless you're simply looking for an easy A or you're really, really patient and really, really like listening to tangents

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FEMST20 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Ednie is a great person. I got to be in her honors section so I can tell you: she really cares about feminism and each and every one of her students. She wants to hear your thoughts. She doesn't give tests (yay!), but expect lots of reading and writing.

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FEMST20 . 9 Years Ago

She was very interesting and funny. There is room for you to slack off but make sure you don't slack too much. She is super nice and always open to help if you just talk to her after class.

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FEMST20 . 9 Years Ago

I love her. She is very open with her students and honestly she is just a great person in general. Going to class doesn't feel like such a drag. You do have to go to class in order to pass and you do need to stay on top of your assignments. She makes it easy to get full credit in the class. You can find all the articles online.

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FEM20 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Garrison is a hilarious and insightful woman who cares about her students. She wants everyone to succeed, and while there are no quizzes, tests, or exams; there will be a lot of reading and writing opportunities.

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