Go to lecture and print slides and know how to do example problems in class. Book problems that he recommends are examples that he uses on exams. Examples in class will be on exams. Know the phrase "its on the money!"
Nice professor, good at teaching. If you put time into his class you will get a good grade.
Tests are hard, complex, and not reflective of what is taught in lecture. Lectures are kind of dry, but if you study hard enough, you'll get an okay grade. He doesn't give out many A's.
Joseph is a good lecturer. His tests are fairly easy as far among freshman chemistry professors. It still requires a good deal of work, though.
Joseph is a very clear lecturer. You do not need to take many notes as you can print out his PowerPoint slides beforehand and add addition ideas to that. If you study an A is very possible. Make sure to listen and pay attention for the whole lecture. As he would say, " Alright ladies and gentlemen it's on the money!"
Joseph was my professor for chem 1A and chem 1B. I absolutely loved his lecture style. He is very smart, and speaks in a confident tone. He also makes jokes. His tests are pretty hard, but there is a large curve added to your grade at the end of the class. Highly recommend him, especially in comparison to other professors in chem.
This guy is one of the best lecturers you can have for Chem. He knows the material and knows how to break it down into comprehensible terms. Can be cheesy with his sarcastic one-liners, but otherwise he's a very approachable guy! Pretty generous with the curve and grade replacement, but tests are HARD so make sure to study and DO BOOK PROBLEMS!
Professor Joseph is good at explaining concepts during lecture. Pro-Tips: 1) Do the lecture prep problems he posts on Gauchospace ahead of time. 2) Skim the section of the textbook he will be lecturing on before the actual lecture. 3) Never forget your i-Clicker!
I failed both midterms, 1 of the quizzes, & the final, but still passed the class with a C (Thank god for the curve). Make sure to get all your iClicker points so it replaces your lowest quiz grade! Best way to study for his tests is to take past tests, do textbook problems, & do ALEKS. Hard class, definitely a weeder.
I-clicker points: take advantage of them as your i-clicker score will replace your lowest quiz grade! Also, a good way to prepare for his tests is to take some of his previous tests. He structures most of his questions the same way.
hard class because it's a weeder class, but if you have to take the class, try to get joseph!
Every assessment is multiple choice, and they generally have an even distribution of problem difficulty. His lectures are interesting enough for the class to care and not doze off, especially with the iClicker problems. I have individually spoken with Joseph, and he seemed to be a genuinely cool guy. Recommended.
He makes his lectures easy to follow, but he does go quickly through the topics. You gotta be on top of your game especially nearing the last half of the quarter. Test questions are mainly covered during lecture so I highly recommend you pay attention. Don't let the Spring-quarter-mindset get the best of you, you still gotta work for that grade.
Super awesome professor. Always willing to help and wants students to succeed. Tests can be a bit confusing but overall great professor and enjoyed this class.
Joseph is a great teacher and is more than willing to offer help but his tests are tough and I had to study considerably more than I did in previous quarters. He leaves some important details out of lecture so doing many book problems is critical to success. Devote alot of time to understanding conceptual themes in order to be prepared for exams
Had Joseph for all three quarters of CHEM 1, really great professor!! Always takes him time with lectures and very helpful!! Definitely go to lectures, iClicker points will save your quiz. And definitely book problems!
Crisjoe is very organized as an instructor. He's tests are consistent but a little tricky (at least for 1C). I only ever had him for 1C, but I recommend him over others. He is serious about giving a good education and expecting a lot out of his students. He leaves some details out of his lectures and expects you to know them on the test.
He's really funny and sarcastic - I think the sarcasm offends some people but it's pretty entertaining. Tests are very difficult but also fair - you have to study obviously. He posts lectures online which is great and provides practice tests, recommends book problems, etc. to help you prepare. If you do the work and go to class you'll do fine.
He is very clear. All lectures are powerpoint and posted online. I clicker is important.
Was not a fan of his. Came off as pompous and rubbed me the wrong way. Lecture was decently interesting but would speak with unneccesary pauses. Overall it was pretty easy. Last two weeks were dedicated to group projects.
Joseph's a no nonsense type of guy when it comes to Chem: he'll drill you, but he won't coach you. He leaves it up to you to reach out and participate (iClickers don't vary by correct answer, extra credit forum). Tests are multiple choice but very tricky: read the questions several times. Very unpretentious lecturer and has a good sense of humor.
His lectures are clear. His tests are extremely difficult though and some of the questions on them aren't covered by him. Amusing at times and seems willing to help.
Joseph is a good professor. His lectures are concise and only presents what you need to know. Even know he states that book problems are essential, I found that his quizzes and exams rarely includes book problems, compared to my Chem 1A prof., Price. The questions that I've experienced on quizzes and exams lean more towards the conceptual side.
This is my second quarter with Joseph, his lectures are very straight forward. Have his slides written before going into lecture, so you can actually listen to what he's saying . Practice book problems, and go over your midterms and quizzes because for the final he likes to put the same question just different numbers.