
Rate My Professors (145)

EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Class was overall easy but pretty interesting. His lectures were OK, he didn't seem that excited to be teaching the class. Gave an amazing lecture on climate change, though.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Luna is a great professor! He seems pretty intimidating but is actually a really good lecturer and makes things easy to understand for all students. The midterm was difficult but not impossible if you study hard. The course material is very interesting. Due to Thomas Fire, Luna offered to double our midterm grade which was very accommodating.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

An amazing man with amazing lectures. Really passionate about his dinos and he's always showing videos and memes he thinks are funny that really get the class comfortable. Easy tests but MEMORIZE THOSE CLADOGRAMS EARLY. DON'T WAIT.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

One of the best professors Ive had yet. He made the class fun by adding funny videos to the lecture and is super passionate about what he teaches.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

Prior to taking Earth 7 with Dr. Luna, all of my friends warned me that the course would be very boring and is just a bunch of memorization. I actually ended up really enjoying the class and found it to be relatively 'chill'. You either really enjoy the class or dread it; I happened to love it. 10/10 would recommend.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

Super interesting class that might leave you mind blown at times. Dr. Luna makes going to lecture bearable bc he's funny and keeps it real when referring to what needs to be known for the exams. MC Midterm, MC final, few homework assignments that are simple. Sections clarify all concepts and are easy points. Lots of memorizing! iClicker needed.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

This class was really fun. It was difficult at times because of the memorizing of the cladograms. I also took it during the summer and people said that the fall one was a lot more difficult. I liked the class and it was a great intro to college because i had to study a lot.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

the most interesting class I took this quarter, and he made it really fun with his sarcasm and videos.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

Lectures are interesting but labs are kind of difficult.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

This man will not give you a break no matter what. The course itself is cake-work, however the professor is unnecessarily extra. A fire is making the air quality un breathable and the prof still made his final mandatory and on campus, claiming the class is too large. My Phil prof made his final take home and that class is nearly triple the size.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

This was my favorite class of the quarter. Dr. Luna is an amazing lecturer whose enthusiasm makes any material interesting. However, there is a lot of content to learn, but I personally don't mind because of him. Also, he's helpful during office hours! 10/10 would recommend to those willing to put in effort.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Not an easy class and tons of different things to learn and memorize. Usually that's why I avoid science classes, but Dr. Luna not only explains everything well, he's really enthusiastic and sometimes you leave lecture with your mind blown. I've never had science class like this, it literally changed my perspective on life.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Luna is a character. He loves to rant about climate change deniers which is great, but pretty off topic which can make it hard to focus. He's eccentric, but really believes in education as a force for change. Hopefully as he teaches more and gets older, he'll learn to be more approachable and provide better outside support for students.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

A great funny professor, but the class is overwhelming. Even though he gives great lectures, the class still requires memorizing a lot of things. Would only recommend if you're good at memorizing. Going to class grants you points since he has iclicker questions every lecture so it's best to go.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Luna is one of those professors that you can tell he likes what hes doing. Hes really funny and engaging, which makes the difficult content easier to understand. Hes one of the best professors Ive ever had.

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EARTH20 . 6 Years Ago

Lectures are either hit or miss, but the material isn't hard to grasp. His voice can be monotone at times, but he tries to sprinkle in some jokes through lecture.

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EARTH18 . 6 Years Ago

He was one of three professors for the Earth 18 course and he was really nice and caring towards the students and it was like he actually enjoyed teaching (when he got the chance). I haven't taken any of his courses yet but I'm definitely looking into it for next quarter.

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EARTH7 . 6 Years Ago

I was dreaming about cladograms for days after the final. Don't take this class if you're looking for an easy A, there are plenty of other Area C classes that you can take if you're just trying to fulfill the requirement.

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

Everyone should take this class! Prof Luna raffles off a pop-up dinosaur encyclopedia at the end of the quarter which should be enough incentive. Even though the class has 800 students, it still feels interactive because he has us submit videos and articles we find online related to dinosaurs. He includes them in lecture and gives you a shout out.

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

My favorite professor at UCSB so far. He is literally the most interesting person that I have ever met. I learned so much from this class, and was not expecting to. If you put the work in and remain engaged, there is so much to gain. I took this class when I was dealing with a lot personally and gaining a global perspective helped me immensely.

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

I loved this GE! I learned so much and it was a very engaging class! It's an easy class to pass but not to get an A. You definitely need to study for the midterm and the final. Overall he was an awesome professor though, his lectures are really entertaining and he's really funny! You can tell he cares about his students. Lecture is mandatory.

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

Labs & HW are easy. Tests are difficult unless you're good at memorizing large diagrams. Google "Cladograms" before you take the class, you will have to MEMORIZE 4 of them. The prof does iClicker in lecture and frequently runs over time in lecture and puts iClicker at the end so you have to stay. Take it from an engineering major, its a hard GE.

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

Not an easy A, but if you show up to class, take notes on important parts (he posts the lectures online) and start studying about a week before the midterm/final (notecards and memorizing cladograms) you'll do fine. Easy homework, easy labs, ICLICKER REQUIRED The lectures are really interesting and Prof. Luna is pretty dope, definitely recommend!

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EARTH7 . 7 Years Ago

THIS IS NOT A JOKE CLASS!!!! Its not really about dinosaurs, but about evolution and other difficult concepts. The class is quite difficult and midterm and final require A LOT of studying. iClicker required.

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