Dan Luna

145 reviews
Amazing lectures Hilarious Respected Inspirational Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Would take again Clear grading criteria Participation matters Caring Tough grader Test heavy Accessible outside class Gives good feedback Graded by few things Group projects Tests? Not many Lots of homework Get ready to read Tests are tough
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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

This class is all memorization and its awful. You would think a class about dinosaurs would be fun but it is not at all. He will try to tell you that its not about memorization and rather about logic and understanding phylogenetic trees but really it is memorization of hard to pronounce dinosaur parts and time periods.

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

Luna is the absolute boy. Super passionate about what he's teaching and a very cool guy. If you're taking an earth class and see luna as the professor, you would be doing yourself a disservice to not take his class. Also memorize your cladograms ;-)

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EARTH7 . 4 Years Ago

Don't take if you're looking to do minimal work and expect anything above a B. AMAZING lectures with an even more engaging professor. The class is A LOT of memorization but it's not easy as it is about evolution and you need to know each link. My favorite class this quarter, he combines science and philosophy- must take if you can! Go to class!!!!

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EARTH7 . 5 Years Ago

Luna is one of the best professors Ive had at UCSB. I took the class as a GE and ended up learning a lot more than I anticipated. The content is hard to remember, so start studying the cladograms ahead of time if you want to do well on his tests. Luna is always eager to help you understand the material too since he knows it can be challenging.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Luna is incredibly charismatic and passionate about his field of study. I will carry the lessons I learned from this class into the rest of my life. It's the best class I have taken at UCSB and I am sad he is leaving otherwise I would have taken more classes with him.

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EARTH7 . 5 Years Ago

Dan is so dreamy, especially when in lecture mode, but the class is fairly challenging, as far as content material. Very heavy on memorization and if it wasn't for the labs, I would have failed. DO NOT take as a GE.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Dan is an amazing lecturer! Im genuinely sad that hes leaving UCSB this summer. His lectures are posted and exactly whats on the exam. His lectures is very straightforward and you can tell they he cares about the material and his students! There are Iclicker questions but they arent worth much. Took Earth 18(P/Np), 20, and 7. P and both A+.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Luna is a great and passionate professor that you can tell genuinely cares about his area of study. His passion and dry humor during lectures makes them on the more interesting side of lectures provided at UCSB. Overall he's a great guy and has changed my outlook on science and how we should treat our planet!

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Luna is probably my favorite professor I've ever had in my few years of school, and I only had him for this one class. I left the class with a not just a lot of cool knowledge but a changed perspective on the fragility of life. While some disagree, I found his lectures fascinating, and at the end of the year, realized I was sad the class was over.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

The lectures for this class are unbearable. It's very boring and the professor is VERY politically biased which makes you wonder whether you accidentally signed up for a politics class instead. It's a heavy science based class. Stay away if you are not interested in heavy memorization.

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EARTH20 . 5 Years Ago

Dr. Luna has been by far the best professor I have ever had. Challenging, but worth all of the effort. His class changed my perspective on life. Dr. Luna is the epitome of a terrific professor and person: passionate, knowledgeable, thought provoking, and incredibly compassionate. If you ever have the chance to learn from him, TAKE IT!!

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EARTH7 . 5 Years Ago

The class is really easy as long as you show up to class, take notes, and listen to lecture. There is homework but it's nothing too hard. The exams are straight forward and he's not trying to trick you. Professor Luna is hilarious and an amazing teacher. He truly wants students to learn and I hope to take another class from him in the future.

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