
Rate My Professors (85)

MATH3 . 14 Years Ago

One of the WORST professors I've experienced so far. His expectations were really high, his notes and lectures were hard to follow and his test were difficult. Not to mention he himself was very rude. I got a D+ but when I retook the class with a different professor I got a B+

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

By far the worst experience I have ever had. He is horrible and expects you to be able to derive every thing rather than doing the problem itself. He comes up with the most confusing and horrible ways of explaining, although he is really smart, he is impossible. DO NOT TAKE HIM.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

The questions on the exam were asked in such a confusing manner that it was difficult to understand what he was getting at. The curve was very generous because very few people did well.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

This is probably the worst teacher in the math department. While he teaches alright, he then makes his tests 10X harder. He gives practice tests but they are of little help as he then goes and gives you a test that is not like the practice test at all. TERRIBLE, pop quizzes after he tells you its ok to fall asleep...JUST BAD!

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

This professor is HORRIBLE. You NEED to take CLAS to understand the concepts presented in class. His midterms/final are also tricky versions of the way you should do the problem, so everyone got bad grades. Homework was due monday, and he taught you what you needed to know to do it on Friday, so noone could ask questions to TA's/CLAS

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Notes very hard to understand. Difficult tests. HARD!

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

this guy just doesnt know how to teach, he,s boring, the tests arent anythng like the homework, we have to buy an expensive book but we never used it. do not get him for math 3b do ur best to avoid him.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

The pluses - organized; cheap text (u choose); `class webpage' full of stuff (videos, evals, wierd rules) Minuses - 500(!) students; he's excited - we're bored; truly hard hwk & exams, `practice midterms' waste of time

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Avoid him at all costs. Sounds like a talk show host when he gives lectures and coughs really loudly directly into mic. Questions on tests are a twisted weird version of what he teaches in class. if you must take this class, GO TO CLAS!

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Worst instructor ever. Explains basic material during lecture and tests you with advanced problems. Took AP calc in high school and got a 5 on the exam...Although I attended every lecture and completed all the homework, I am currently bordering between a C-/D+ because of the difficult midterms. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

is basically a talking text book. doesnt know how to teach the material. if not for clas i would have failed. the homework and practice exams are nothing like the actual tests.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

Makes class harder than its supposed to be. Does not explain the concepts well. Tests were unreasonable. Does not even know how to write a fair test. Avoid him at all costs for lower division math courses.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

He is so unfair and seems like he doesn't want anyone to get a good grade. teaches you the basis of integrals and then gives you tests that are way above anything he taught.

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MATH3B . 15 Years Ago

the tests are so hard it's ridiculous. He is so unfair and seems like he doesn't want anyone to get a good grade. do not get this professor. teaches you the basis of integrals and then gives you tests that are way above anything he taught.

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MATH3B . 16 Years Ago

hands down the hardest math professor I have ever had. Going to CLAS, doing the homework, and going to math lab did not help with this guy. He lectures well but his tests are ridiculously difficult so be prepared. His curve is ridiculously stupid.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

he is the hardest math teacher you will have. his curve will either kill you or praise you

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

has pop quizzes so you have to attend class. his tests are harder than homework assigned so make sure you study. overall he is a good teacher if you pay attention.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

Worked from the most complicated form backwards to simplest, but by the time we got there everyone was lost. This man was not meant to be a teacher; the main reason I did well was a strong background from high school.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

it should have been review the first half but ended up being a pain. the way he taught didnt help me understand any of the actual concepts. he used lots of examples but they never really made much sense. the tests were stupid. no cheatsheets allowed; also tests weren't about pure concepts. they were more difficult.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

An avatar for Martin Scharlemann, who is sometimes too 'distracted' to teach. Marty is more helpful but not as clear; friendlier but fuzzier on the rules; does not have dancing or field trips but tells better jokes. Definitely take the class from this one if you have the choice.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

Exams often give tricky and abnormal problems instead of testing on true understanding of the material. Often stuff you don't even expect. Textbook was useless later on too. But other than that the lectures and all were good.

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

If u took calcAB in H.S. &understood it, the 1st half of class should be a breeze.the 2nd half is new material and was difficult for me to understand. His lectures are confusing and dont really make perfect sense esp. if he's in a rush.allows 3x5 card on worth 40%.this can make/break your grade. went into final with A- got D+on final=B-

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

Prof. is a pretty good teacher, but often spends too much of the lecture doing the algebra of a given problem instead of simply showing the setup and then moving onto another type of problem. Works from two overheads side by side -- not a bad class; exams are moderate/difficult (I got a "B"). Watch out for pop quizzes on Friday classes though :(

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MATH3B . 17 Years Ago

Not only are his jokes utterly lame, but he spends way too much time deriving formulas rather than giving a variety of CLEAR examples. Lecture did not help me at all, the only way I passed was through CLAS and the only reason I forced myself to go to these painful lectures was because of his threat of pop quizzes...ugh

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