good lectures and fair grader
I really struggled due to the format of the class. His lectures are just him talking through ppt slides, which makes it hard to focus and see what he's doing in each problem. Note taking is next to impossible. His tests are easy though. I hardly knew what I was doing but was able to pull out decent grades because of the friendly format.
Pretty clear professor and his tests are not too hard as long as you study all of the recommended problems. I would recommend doing CLAS and going to math drop-in.
He's fairly good at explaining ideas and concepts, and if you pay attention it will definitely make sense. His tests are really difficult considering the homework he gives is a joke (usually 10-20 problems). Even a lot of the book problems are easier than his test questions. Go to CLAS at least once a week and office hours and maybe you'll get a B.
Reading the other reviews actually made me submit my first RMP rating ever. This class is not difficult. Martin is not the best (or good lecturer). What he is, is a very fair tester and grader. HW is 12 mental math problems a week. Cake. Final was two midterms with different numbers and last two weeks new material. CLAS + doing book problems A.
Such A horrible professor. all he does is go over proofs in lecture. It is true a lot of math professors dont know how to teach.
I'm surprised to see this many low ratings! He's the fourth math professor I've had here, and I think he's pretty good. Lots of helpful examples in lectures and fair tests. If the test wasn't fair, he admitted it and gave a big curve to compensate. The homework is super chill - like 12 problems a week. His lectures can be amusing, too.
First an easy midterm, then the drop deadline, then a killer second midterm. But I wore the tin-foil hat, like he says in the syllabus, and did OK (thanks to a great curve). Besides tin-foil, he has a thing about headlamps. I didn't wear one of those. Don't waste your time on the field trips, really.
Do not take this professor for Math 4A. The disparity between what he teaches, what is in the textbook and what he tests you on is quite ridiculous. Be sure to know each and every definition, theorem and every possible method conceived by man if you want to even think about passing this class. He put me off math for a while, it was that bad.
Run while you still can. The tests are extremely difficult and hard to finish. There's absolutely no mercy in the grading and there's barely a curve. Don't expect to get a good grade even if you feel like you know the material well, because this professor is awful. Everything he says is overcomplicated and hard to understand.
This is an absolutely ridiculous class. This professor was so difficult I wanted to cry after every exam. His tests were like constipated fire and they were curved just about as much as my ruler.
This professor ran through lectures taking little time to make sure students were following along. I went to office hours a number of times to only be shamed for not knowing the material well enough. Tests are not unbearably hard but don't expect to have any leeway with grading. One of the most discouraging math professors I have ever had.