
Rate My Professors (32)

IE525 . 4 Years Ago

Her lecture slides were ripped off of 3 separate textbooks, each of which, better explain the material in less time not to mention her exams/homework covering material not even in her slides.

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IE400 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Chronopoulou was new to UIUC this semester & it was an absolutely great experience. She was great at explaining lectures & was a very fair grader. She was very helpful during office hours. I would definitely take a class with her again.

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PSTAT174 . 11 Years Ago

Chronopoulou is a wonderful teacher. Listening to her Greek accent made it easier to pay attention also. The midterm was just like the homework and the final project is very easy if you give a decent amount of effort and attend office hours.

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PSTAT5A . 11 Years Ago

Interesting class, good professor. I suggest you take this course with her.

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PSTAT5A . 11 Years Ago

Very boring lectures. Very unclear explanations. Hard tests. Don't know how I got a B.

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PSTAT5A . 11 Years Ago

She is very kind, she explains things until everyone gets it. There are weekly classroom and lab sections, quite easy to do. If you don't want to stress over stats, take this class with her.

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5A . 11 Years Ago

Liked this prof a lot. Easy class, fair midterms, interesting examples.

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PSTAT5A . 11 Years Ago

I felt that this professor was very fair. There were four quizzes, each worth 15% of your grade, and a final worth 30%. As long as you go to class and participate by answering clicker questions, she will make your lowest quiz score worth only 10% of your grade. There was a pretty generous curve in the end. Go to section and CLAS!!

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PSTATS5A . 11 Years Ago

There will be iclickers, so lecture are for the most part, mandatory. I went & don't pay attention to the lectures; I just studied from the book and practice problems (do these!) she posts online. I only review for the midterm/final the day before. Go to CLAS for a better understanding of concepts. Lectures/sections don't really help.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Lectures are incredibly boring and professor does a poor job of explaining concepts. I was only successful because I studied a huge amount from the textbook and just hoped that the quizzes and final were similar.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

I dont know why her rating is so low... this professor has a bit of an accent but is clear in her teaching. the concepts are easy to grasp and she gets the point across fine. also just do examples in the book and you should pass with at least a high B.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

One major problem of her teaching is that she teaches a new topic that's related to the previous topic (which is almost all the time), expecting that the class fully understands what she taught before. She goes on her own tangent from the book and makes major errors throughout the entire practice problem solution sheets.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Very helpful, one of the best professors I've ever had in math classes.She gives out handouts during lecture so you don't need to take notes. Tests are fair if you study. You won't regret taking her class.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

She's not as bad as the previous reviews have stated. There were typos, and the material was confusing at times, but the typos are insignificant and the course required little work; so studying on your own to better understand the material was not a problem. She is also very nice and helpful, not to mention how much she curved the class.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Hard class, but it is her first time teaching so of course there will sometimes be errors in her powerpoints. Nobody is perfect. I think she was so very helpful in office hours and I truly appreciate that. I would say the book was useless, definitely need one that is more applicable to what we are learning. I also feel the grading scale was fair.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

This was one of the easiest classes I've taken so far at UCSB. Granted I have a background in calculus, everything seemed like a big review of algebra 2 and some area under the curve Q's. Easy midterms and final in my opinion. Her notes contain errors, and she's hard to understand at times but she's sincere and flexible with grades. Cool TA - Mike.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Worst teacher ever!!! I studied so hard for this class and I never understood anything. She was a nice person but was definitely horrible as a professor. Her teaching was confusing. I would not recommend this class with her. Have her as a professor at your own risk!

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Worst professor I've had by far! In past quarters this class was a piece of cake but not with this woman! She's a very nice person and tries to be helpful but is very unsuccessful as a professor. If you can avoid taking this class with her, do so, for your own sake!

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PSTATI . 12 Years Ago


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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Lectures were boring and I only went for the iClicker participation points. Section felt pointless. TA was just as bad. The assignments and labs weren't really useful. Hardly ever used the textbook. Professor was confusing and had typos in all her lectures. No equations given on the tests and no use of graphing calculators. Overall, bad experience.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

I don't understand a single thing she teaches. Worst teacher I've had at UCSB. I was totally confused in this class that made me not even want to go to class anymore toward the end of the quarter. Super confusing, I do not recommend this professor.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

WORST TEACHER EVER! Can't understand a thing she says, she keeps making mistakes on the slides. SHE TRICKS US ON THE CLICKER QUESTIONS! she could not teach if her life depended on it, my clas tutor who is a undergrad could teach the class better! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS! the book helps but her text are nothing like what is in the book.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

Honestly, she's a nice person but as a prof, she could use a lot more improvement. Lectures are boring and hard to understand. The only reason why I go is for the iclicker participation points. Lectures, sessions, and CLAS all feel like three different PSTAT classes. CLAS helps a butt load. Try not to get her. Wait for another quarter if anything.

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PSTAT5A . 12 Years Ago

She's one of the nicest teachers I've had at UCSB. The tests are not too hard as long as you have done the assignments and the practice problems. The class is not as boring as I thought it would be.

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