
Rate My Professors (40)

EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

Very sweet lady. Unlike other professors, she responds to emails fast and is available almost always. Easy A if you try a little.

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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

Prof. Thomas was awesome! She's such a sweet lady and she genuinely cares about her students. It's not hard to get an A in the class if you at least understand the lecture slides--so lecture and the book aren't necessary, but looking at the slides definitely are. Recommend her completely!

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EARTH2 . 11 Years Ago

Dr. Thomas is an exceptional professor! She really cares about helping her students understand the course. The course material is interesting & she posts the slides online to help you study for the tests. Team work also is really beneficial and helpful! If you go to office hours you'll learn her passion for geology & what an awesome person she is!

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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

She is nice but boring. I didn't listen to her in class and didn't read the book. I only studied the slides and used the slides for homework. Sounds like an interesting class but is fairly boring but it's an easy A if you put in a little effort

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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

She is boring, but an easy A makes up for it. Everything you need to know to ace the class if on the powerpoint slides you don't even need to read the book.

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EARTH2 . 11 Years Ago

Boring professor, interesting material. Team assignments overcomplicated everything and hurt my grade because teammates didn't pull their weight. Boring professor. Hard to understand. Relatively easy to get a decent grade but only if you have a good team. If your teammates are bad then you won't get an A.

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Do not bother buying the book if you don't intend on reading it. You can pass the class just going to lecture and reviewing the slides. She provides plenty of easy assignments and extra credits for you to boost your grade. This is one of the easiest classes I've taken, and I learned way more than I could ever have imagined.

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Really nice professor but she speaks very softly and quietly. Take the quizzes with your friends and you can all get good marks. Midterm is kind of hard just memorize the slides.

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EARTHEART . 12 Years Ago

Great Professor, Easy GE. You should take this class if you need to fulfill a Math Requirement

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Going to lecture is USELESS since she posts slides online and goes through them way too fast anyways. Midterm and Final Review lectures are all you need for an easy A. Doing extra credit helped a lot! Easy GE

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Thomas was great! She posted the slides online so class attendance wasn't mandatory, and the homework was super easy! Take it as an easy GE for sure.

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Disregard the negative ratings, Dr. T is a very good professor. There is just so much to cover in the class that she has to quickly go through powerpoints. I went to every lecture, took notes on my computer, and got an EASY A in the class. However, my friends that didn't go to lecture found the class and tests to be hard...go figure

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

She sped through the slides so only about 1/3 of the class actually came to lecture, since it was pointless. She was completely vague and unclear on all assignments. Homework was time consuming at first, but got shorter and easier as people complained, Im sure. I didn't really care for her bland teaching style, but its a passable class.

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

Dr. T was super awesome. She's extremely helpful and does what she can to make the class as easy as possible. If you go to lecture, you'll do really well on the tests (she gives big hints there). Enjoyed it!

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EARTH20 . 12 Years Ago

She goes through her slides too quickly, you don't even have time to read a word. They are posted online however. Homework is easy, tests are hard, and has quizzes based on what she said in lecture.

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EARTH2 . 13 Years Ago

Great professor, lectures always kept my attention. Tests were straightforward and you'll do well if you understand all the main concepts. Minimal (team) homework makes learning about geology enjoyable and not painful. Labs were relaxed and not-stressful. If you don't understand something go to her office hours, she is very helpful!

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