Sabina Thomas

40 reviews
Caring EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Get ready to read Participation matters Would take again Gives good feedback Lots of homework Respected Skip class? You won't pass. Tests? Not many Inspirational Hilarious Accessible outside class
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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Thomas is super sweet and obviously cares about what she teaches. Uses iClicker, so you have to attend lectures. Weekly labs were tedious, but doable. I didn't buy the textbook, just mooched off of my friends. It would have made things easier, but I got along fine without it. Show up, pay a bit of attention, and it's an easy B and very realistic A.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

How to get an A: go to all the lectures, pay attention to what she emphasizes, actually try on the homework and do some of the extra credit. Her tests have a good amount of questions concerning Californian geography (such as major faults and mountain ranges). Her lecture slides are posted online, but you need to go to class.

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EARTH20 . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Thomas is a blessing to undergrads at UCSB. She expertly teaches the course, explains it according to your level of understanding, and gives you endless opportunities to save your grade. Dr. Thomas is literally the best, but study for her exams because she makes you work (a bit) for the grade of your dreams.

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EARTH2 . 7 Years Ago

Sabina was fantastic! She is super passionate about Geology and very knowledgeable about the subject. Her tests are fair and lectures are interesting. If you're just looking to satisfy a GE, this class might not be for you because of the 2 hour labs every week and one all day field trip in the Mts. (more time consuming) but she was an amazing prof

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EARTH2 . 7 Years Ago

Professor T brings enthusiasm and a fair amount of humor to the class. You can tell she really wants you to understand the material. The downside to her teaching style is that her lectures can go into hyperdrive without her noticing the change of pace; and can be a bit impersonal, almost as if she wants you to be enthusiastic but doesn't know why.

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EARTH2 . 7 Years Ago

She genuinely cares about geology, so that's a huge plus. I haven't taken the midterm yet, but studying the subject isn't hard at all. It's quite cool. Especially looking forward to the field trips.

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EARTH2 . 8 Years Ago

Thomas is a passionate professor, you can tell. Her lectures are kind of hard to understand because she has an accent. I recommend sitting in the front. It is easy to get distracted in this class. I don't recommend taking your notes on your laptop for that reason. Labs are interesting but long. If you read and go to class you will do well.

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EARTH2 . 8 Years Ago

One of the easier sciences for a GE. Still requires you to study and there are weekly quizzes on gauchospace. Labs can be boring and there is a required field trip on a Saturday or Sunday some point in the quarter. She is a good teacher though and the midterm and final were not too hard if you studied.

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EARTH2 . 8 Years Ago

I could never keep up with her slides because she goes through them so fast and is so soft spoken :( Very hard class but the field trip was fun! She's a nice professor and offered a lot of extra credit

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EARTHW20 . 8 Years Ago

Great teacher but she gives out so much homework for the online class. It is manageable, but it is all busy work. HW and Assignments basically have you copying information from the book. It's pointless. One assignment practically asks you to read a 30 pg essay and then rewrite it in your own words in 3 pages.

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EARTH2 . 9 Years Ago

The class is fairly easy as long as you pay attention in class and read the book enough to understand the study guides. There are short weekly quizzes, weekly labs, and a multiple choice midterm and final (not that much work!). She offered a LOT of extra cred opportunities too. Very nice professor too, she cares about her students and the subject.

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EARTH2 . 9 Years Ago

Very soft spoken so puts you to sleep. A lot of information for midterm. Her slides are brief so must pay attention in class. Her i-clicker poll is open for like 10 seconds so always be alert. I wouldn't recommend her.

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