
Rate My Professors (45)

DANCE36 . 9 Years Ago

This professor does not get enough credit. She is so passionate, well-spoken, and intelligent for someone in dance. Not the easiest A, however, I found it very interesting. There's a fair amount of reading and the midterm requires quite a bit of memorization, but there's no final. The topics include, gender, race, social order, etc. in dance.

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DANCE36 . 9 Years Ago

Very easy class as long as you go to lecture because they make you sign in every lecture. 50 percent of your grade is based on a research paper that you work on through out the whole quarter. Just ask your TA for help. Midterm was fairly easy, just some memorizing. No final.

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DANCE36 . 9 Years Ago

I was scared to take this class bc of past reviews. However, I found myself enjoying the class. Participation points are easy and all that is required is 3 essays over the quarter and one midterm. There's no final. I got A's on all the papers and a B+ on the midterm to get an A in the class. Her lectures are confusing but overall an easy course.

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DANCE36 . 9 Years Ago

You have to go to lecture or your grade will drop. We only had one midterm exam and no final. Broke up the paper into 3 smaller papers which were graded pretty easily. She has paragraphs on her slides so its pretty tough to get it all down and she also talks really fast. Section was not helpful we mostly just talked about citations for papers.

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DANCE36 . 10 Years Ago

So much work for a GE! There is a 6 page paper which makes up most of your grade along with the midterm. She also makes you buy tickets to watch dance performances. Attendance is mandatory for both lecture and section, grade drops for every absence.

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DANCE35 . 10 Years Ago

easily the worst professor I've had. Has no idea how to work gauchospace, yet all of her quizzes were online. Also does not make any sense in grading. Brings in people to talk and then argues with them. Will say something wrong in class then deny she said it wrong. Crazy lady. Insane.

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DANCE36 . 11 Years Ago

On the bright side she is very enthusiastic and she does prep you for the midterms and finals. On the down side lectures were boring and mandatory. Your grade drops like a whole 1/3 if you miss. She never uses power point slides and the readings were long and repetitive.I wouldn't recommend this class it's a lot of busy work.

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DANCE36 . 12 Years Ago

The class was a waste of time but it was an easy A. The majority of the class did badly on the midterm so she gave us a huge curve. The final was worth only 15% of our grade. The majority of your grade came from the final paper which she babied us through (she had us send in pages of our paper throughout the quarter to be reviewed by the TAs).

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DANCE36 . 12 Years Ago

AVOID AT ALL COSTS! Absolutely horrible teacher. This comment box does not allow me enough characters to truly express how terrible bennahum is. Attendence is mandatory and she docks you 1/2 a grade every time you are absent, tests are unfair, no lecture powerpoint slides so you just need to write as she speak. HATED THE CLASS

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DANCE35 . 13 Years Ago

Easiest teacher I had in all my time here.She gave the class a study guide so we would expect what questions would show up on the next quiz.All you had to do is look up the answer in the book and remember for the quiz.we didn't have have a final,instead we have a quiz on personally interpreting dance videos.Definitely recommend her for the summer

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DANCE36 . 13 Years Ago

Boring and not interesting! It was an ok class but the only thing that pissed me of was that she made us spend over 80 dollars on some stupid mandatory dance performances telling us that she was gonna gives us questions about it on the exams, turns out she only gave us a max of 3 questions on a 50 question exam! DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS !

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DANCE36 . 13 Years Ago

i didn't think she was that bad at all. she was very sweet and passionate about the subject, class was not very hard and i gathered a lot of information just from lecture. i didn't do any of the reading and got a good grade but i don't recommend that. 1 research paper about 6 pages, did it morning it was due and got an A on it from a tough grader

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DANCE36 . 13 Years Ago

the absolute WORST professor. AVOID AT ALL COST. She's extremely unprofessional (brought her toddler to class and let her run around during the lecture). AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL.

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DANC36 . 13 Years Ago

HORRIBLE. crazy. idiotic. Made us spend an extra $80 on dance performance tickets.

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DANC36 . 13 Years Ago

HORRIBLE PROFESSOR! Lectures were disorganized, readings were useless. When it was time to write our paper she didn't know what the word "prompt" was. She only cared about the dance majors and gave them extra review sessions...Changed it to P/NP because I had no idea what to expect from her.

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DANCE36 . 13 Years Ago

THIS IS THE WORST PROFESSOR AT UCSB. disorganized, airhead, self absorbed frizzy old woman that thinks everything shes saying is so important. she makes us bring iclickers but forgets to turn it on so we all get marked absent...SPACECASE avoid this woman like the plague. words cannot express how unacceptable it is for her to be a teacher here

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DANCE45 . 13 Years Ago

The worst professor I've ever had at UCSB. She messed up my grade multiple times and would "forget" to fix it. I had to email her literally 13 times before she "actually" received one. Easy class besides her being so stupid.

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DANCE45 . 13 Years Ago

the WORST professor I have had at UCSB, her ineptitude was nicely complemented with her complete and utter lack of awareness of her surroundings. The woman expects you to walk in to her class already well versed in every aspect of the dance world, and the amount of characters I am allowed cannot express HOW BAD she is. DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS.

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DANCE35 . 14 Years Ago

avoid at all cost. The ABSOLUTE WORST professor you could ever have

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DANC45 . 14 Years Ago

Lecture was mandatory with a sign in sheet going around in a class of 300+ students. Had to wait after class just to check off my name. Told us to buy a book and a week later forgot about it, and said it was not needed. Very unorganized and made errors on the final. Your typical ditzy blonde.

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DANCE45 . 14 Years Ago

Good God, easily the worst professor I have had at ucsb. I took the class because I need a easy class in my schedule, yet, it became more of a headache then my physics class. She is completely inept and naive. Her test had serveral errors, she treats the students like preschoolers, and if you miss class, an entire letter grade is dropped. AVIOD!

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