Ninotchka Bennahum

45 reviews
Get ready to read Lecture heavy Lots of homework Participation matters So many papers Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Tough grader Graded by few things Clear grading criteria Tests? Not many Would take again Inspirational Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes Caring Test heavy
Past quarters


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DANC36W . 7 Months Ago

Please do not take this professor. Very horrible organization and formatting. I repeat. Do not take. Had to drop the class.

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DANC36 . 8 Months Ago

Great Professor who's nice and caring. 50% of grade from weekly writing assignments, 25% participation and 25% online final. Take this class for GE you will not regret. The online final is hard with a "can't go back to previous question after you submit" but we have 3 hours and it's open book. She also add five extra points to final overall grade.

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DANC36 . 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Prof seems nice however Dance36 is just super disorganized it seems as a class. Like it kinda does follow the history of dance but also not really. The final was incredibly specific and a total time crunch

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DANCE36 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Bennahum is great, she's willing to answer any questions you have with open arms. There's a lot of extra credit material. The only thing that was graded was forum questions due every week which makes up 50% of your grade, final that was 25% and section attendance that is 25%. Dont tell the reviews stop you from taking this course :)

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DANC36 . 2 Years Ago

Lectures were very dense and her slides had a lot of words, kind of in random order too. Expected to attend performances downtown, transportation provided but you have to pay for your ticket. Questions on final about them. Only 1 test which was the final, open note/book & online. Weekly discussion posts 200-400 words. Fairly easy class.

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DANC36 . 2 Years Ago

Her lecture style has a lot of information and is not clearly organized. You are basically scrambling to write everything down as she blows through lecture. She also tested us on dance performances that we were supposed to see, no matter if you were able to see it or not. Take a different art credit if you can.

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DANC36 . 2 Years Ago

Weekly digital forum posting require lots of reading and research. Going to lecture is very helpful though also very boring. If you are taking this class for credit ... don't. Take dance 45 or music 15 instead. Final is very difficult, you will need to go to all the performances, lectures, and read every single article she gives out.

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DANC36 . 2 Years Ago

Don't get me wrong, she is a super sweet and passionate person. She is so unorganized that the content is very hard to follow because she is so erratic. She expects an unrealistic amount of memorization, lecture, and reading heavy. Her final consisted of random specific information that had no relationship to the understanding of the class.

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DANCE36 . 3 Years Ago

Took her class during COVID and it was just overall very disorganized. The TAs were helpful but I found myself not absorbing any of the content. Final was all multiple choice and only 15% of our grade though.

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DANC36 . 4 Years Ago

I may be biased because I am currently having to take this online (due to covid-19), but honestly despite having to take this class online, this professor is really really difficult but WHAT WAS THE REASON? She is so unorganized to the point where I don't want to look onto Gauchospace. Demands an unrealistic level of understanding of material...

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DANC36 . 4 Years Ago

Probably the worst professor I've had so far at UCSB, and I don't say that lightly. Assigns a ridiculous amount of readings. Has little to no organization ability. And she struggles to make the information engaging. She is clearly very intelligent and an expert on what she teaches, however her class left me feeling like I put in more effort than hr

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DANCE36 . 5 Years Ago

A terrible professor. Lectures were really boring and unnecessarily detailed. Written midterm/mc final; 2 papers. SO DISORGANIZED. Like the reading wouldn't even be up online and the syllabus would conflict w/ Gauchospace. The class isn't that hard, but for god's sake just save yourself and do an easy GE for your F req like Dance 45.

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