
Rate My Professors (47)

GLOBAL1 . 10 Years Ago

easy class. three papers and weekly online quizzes (but you can take up to 10 practice quizzes before the graded one). the reader isn't necessary and you don't even have to take notes in class because there's no midterm or final. really boring if you've already taken a global class. mccarty likes to listen to himself talk

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GLBL1 . 10 Years Ago

Awesome professor. Class is interesting. Three essays during the quarter that revolve around current events. No midterm or finals, just weekly quizzes. Overall, learned a lot and am glad I took this class!

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GLOBAL1AND157 . 11 Years Ago

awesome prof, quizzes are online and have a bunch of practice tests, no midterms/finals just papers!

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GLOB1 . 11 Years Ago

The class is super easy but the class is very boring and the material is very subjective. I didn't agree with a lot of the arguments made by McCarthy so the class was very frustrating at times. Overall though I say take it for the easy A

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GLOBGLOB . 11 Years Ago

BEST PROFESSOR EVER! TAKE HIM IF YOU CAN. Jokes were corny but funny. His lectures were sometimes a little boring but overall a super interesting class. Def taking another class with him.

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GLBL130 . 11 Years Ago

Great Professor, Focused on teaching his students rather than grading them. Lectures were interesting and he is hilarious. One of my favorite professors at UCSB

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GLOBA1 . 11 Years Ago

This Professor is one of the Best Professors I have had here at UCSB. Prior to the course I didn't know much of the Global studies major and after this intro. class I switched my major. Highly recommend! No midterm or final, just 4 short papers and online quizzes based on the readings and lecture.

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GLOB1 . 12 Years Ago

Easy A! The class is all essays and quizzes online.

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GLOB1 . 12 Years Ago

Awesome professor. Funny and engaging. Quite an easy class. Just essays and quizzes. Great class for ge's!

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GLOBL130 . 12 Years Ago

I always left class a little depressed but very inspired. I really had no interest whatsoever in econ before taking this class but now my whole world view has changed completely. Very cool taking this class during the occupy movement.

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GLOBL197 . 12 Years Ago

Great teacher. He is very passionate, easily approachable, loves to help students and rewards students who put in the effort. Loves to assign papers but is flexible on the content as long as your paper is enjoyable and accurate. TAKE ANY CLASS WITH HIM YOU CAN.

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GLOBA130 . 12 Years Ago

McCarty is a hell of nice guy and truly passionate, but he almost never references his assigned text and his lecture are mostly just him ranting with very little grounded substance. You leave hearing a passionate appeal, but not sure what you learned. McCarty is funny and easy, but he needs to use more research to support his rants. use powerpoint.

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GLOB130 . 13 Years Ago

Best Professor at UCSB!!!

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GLOBL130 . 13 Years Ago

Heard this class was extremely tough with other profs. McCarty made it very compatible to global studies majors. interesting stuff about the world economy. Phil knows so much info that will really make you see things differently. Take Him. easy class, ta's sucked, but whatever. take McCarty

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GLOBL197 . 13 Years Ago

Great guy. You will really learn some interesting things with Phil. TA's do all grading, but papers and quizzes are easy so reading is not crucial if your smart. He knows a lot and wants you to learn. take him

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GLOBL197 . 13 Years Ago

McCarty is amazing! This is the first class i've taken with him and I hope to have many more! Decent amount of reading that you'll need to do for the papers but its all interesting material and he reviews before giving quizzes

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GLBL197 . 13 Years Ago

I've taken 4 classes with McCarty and he a great lecturer. He's passionate, interesting, and easy to relate to. However, his classes can be a too easy at times. Compared to other global professors who don't give you the time of day, McCarty will meet with you for lunch to talk to you about anything whether it be the course, or grad school info.

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GLOB1 . 13 Years Ago

you will have to do A LOT of writing so if thats your thing take him (TA's grade). quizzes were super easy its just the writing that kills you but if you can get through that you can get an A. lectures are good to go to but the reading is whats vital

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GLOBL1 . 13 Years Ago

Awesome guy and one of the easiest classes I've ever taken! 60% of the class is based on the same set of online quiz questions for the midterm and final which made them both very easy! Another 20% just for attending section. This is Gunn's class so he just regurgitated his notes, so no need to go to lecture! Easy A class that covers a lot of GE's!

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GLOBL1 . 13 Years Ago

Mccarty is cool, and he doesn't make you come to lecture... but section is mandatory and we had a LOT of papers. He was understanding and the TAs seemed cool, if Levi has a section get him for sure. Just expect to read and have a paper due almost every week, but it's a good class.

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GLOBL1 . 14 Years Ago

Great class. Keep up with everything, especially readings and you'll do well

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GLBL1 . 14 Years Ago

Professor McCarty is very intelligent and helpful. He uses Professor Gunn's slides because the required textbook is Professor Gunn's. If you don't understand the concepts, he'll help you out. His jokes are humorous and he really wants you to learn. It was easy and I enjoyed it.

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GLOBL1 . 14 Years Ago

loved Professor McCarty. quizzes given online and the same questions on the quiz were on the midterm and final. definitely recommend taking this class with McCarty as he is very knowledgable about the material and can be funny at times. reading logs each week were a bit tedious but forced you to at least attempt the readings.

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