
Rate My Professors (43)

ANTH2 . 6 Years Ago


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LAIS101 . 7 Years Ago

Figueroa is an awesome professor! She is a great lecturer and super caring of her students. Her class is not difficult at all, so long as you do the readings. And the reflective journal is super helpful for the final, its totally worth it. She is one of the best professors I'd had in UCSB.

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LAIS10 . 7 Years Ago

This class was a bit of a mess sometimes, but I can promise you that it will be worth it. Theresa is a great lecturerwho really cares. We had some guest lecturers which I really appreciated. If you do the readings somewhat and attend class you'll get a good grade. The sections take up a lot of time but are rewarding if you get along with your TA.

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LAIS . 7 Years Ago

As long as you do the readings, this class isn't very difficult. The lectures can get a bit tedious and lengthy, and the readings are very long. Still a very interesting class, make sure you don't put off the readings, they do pile up!

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LAIS101 . 7 Years Ago

She had us keep a reflective journal that we had to update every week with a brief summary and a 2 page reflection of that week's readings. She changed the grading criteria/format for this assignment every week. It was TONS of work and only counts for 10% of the grade. Also the readings are dense and she stopped putting slides online 2 weeks in.

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LAIS10 . 7 Years Ago

One of the worst professors I have ever taken at UCSB. There's so many readings per week, and a reflective journal that you have to write in weekly. Her lectures are very boring, unorganized, and not clear. Everything is based on TA grading. Also, she will sometimes speak in Spanish and never translate it back to English.

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LAIS10 . 7 Years Ago

She's adorable and very sweet as a person, she has very good morals and projects them in her lectures. However, she was very unorganized and has us write 8-9 essays in one journal for only a small percentage in our grade. Makes you think a lot, but I found that helpful!

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FEMST60 . 8 Years Ago

Seems really thoughtful and kind, but her lectures can be long-winded, disjointed, and disorganized. An extremely writing-heavy class (weekly journals) and it's really important not to get behind. Her instructions can be confusing as well. TA determines grade! Extra credit for some MCC events. Material insightful but at times repetitive and boring.

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FEMST60 . 8 Years Ago

Figueroa's lectures are really long and i was confused by the ideas she was trying to convey during her lectures. Her class isn't awful, but I'm super interested in fem studies and this class was a bore. She's really sweet and knowledgable though. She just isn't the most captivating lecturer. She provided the readings for us though which was nice!

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FEMST60 . 8 Years Ago

Figueroa is not very clear in her requirements and will sometimes change them or expect something different than what she asked for without telling you. I found her quite racist and sexist and she was unwilling to acknowledge any idea that did not match her pre-established ideas. There was a large amount of reading and a good deal of homework.

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FEMST60 . 8 Years Ago

Lectures were long and boring. Only half of them seemed related to the course. A lot of reading. Weekly essays that are easily graded by the TAs. The professor is confusing, sometimes contradicts herself, and spends too much tie discussing her own research. If you do the readings the class is an easy A.

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FEMST60 . 8 Years Ago

She is super confusing. The lectures slides are very hard to understand. She strays from what is on the syllabus and does not stay consistent with her assignments what so ever. When you go to ask questions to clarify, you will leave more confused than you were to begin with. She is unsupportive and makes you feel like you can't ask questions.

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LAIS10 . 8 Years Ago

The lectures are more informative than the readings. She is very eloquent and intelligent. She has a warm presence which compels the audience. Readings are every week and can be tedious and sometimes redundant. I would take this class again just because it is very interesting and talks about a history that is not told as often as it should.

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FEMST30 . 8 Years Ago

You definitely have to read the material. Sometimes I would get a little confused, but she helped me so much during office hours. If you want to do really well, go talk to her, that way she'll recognize you. Definitely recommend! Truly inspiring to see yourself reflected in a professor.

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FEMST60 . 9 Years Ago

At the beginning she was confusing, but she was really friendly outside of class. The class I took was suppose to be centered around women of color, but I feel like she went overboard. Her lectures are ridiculously boring, but I got an A. Also, she can never stick with what she says. She always changes her mind. So, good luck.

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LAIS101 . 9 Years Ago

I enjoyed the material presented in the class but did not like the organization at all. The entire class was based on participation and a reflective journal. It was not varied enough. I never say it but I wish there was a midterm or a final. I felt like I knew the material well but was not able to score well on the reflective journals.

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FEMST30 . 9 Years Ago

I fell asleep in every lecture. The class was easy because the midterms & final was basically based off the study guide SHE provides. My TA made it a lot harder than it was. As long as you work out essay outlines from the study guide and makes notes off that for the test to use, all you have to do is rewrite it onto the exam paper as an essay.

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FEMST30 . 9 Years Ago

She certainly is passionate about what she teaches (too bad if you aren't) so get ready to hear her talk--even if lecture was supposed to end ten minutes ago. Required readings of long, dull articles. If you can sift through the powerpoints and readings to get the main points of each big idea, you'll be fine on the exams. Good luck!

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FEMST30 . 9 Years Ago

Hey hey! I had no intentions of taking this class but needed a few more units so I went for it. I am so happy that I did because I learned a lot about how development operations in Third World nations impact the women in those nations and usually leave negative repercussions behind. GO TO SECTION, grade saver!

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55384 . 9 Years Ago

I did not like her as a lecturer. Shes very boring and dull. Never goes over the reading and seems like she does not know what she is talking about. She is a feminist studies professor and she does not belong in the department.

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55434 . 9 Years Ago

She has absolutely no business being in the feminist studies department. I have never encountered a professor as bad as her. If you see her name on a class, run, it's not worth taking the class.

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FEM50 . 10 Years Ago

Even though her lectures were alittle fast, she is my favorite professor. She is very understanding and cares for her students. If you get the chance to take her class, I would recommend it. Her office hours are most helpful.

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FEMST50 . 10 Years Ago

Prof. Figueroa's slides are dull, and her voice is easy to tune out. However, the fascinating class material, in conjunction with Figueroa's obvious passion for the subject material, made this a thoroughly enjoyable class. Two take home essays and an in-class final were entirely doable; you even get a cheat sheet for the final with unlimited info.

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ANTH002 . 10 Years Ago

She was very helpful, although the TAs were really annoying and the only way I could actually get the information I needed was through the professor. Has a bit of an accent but overall understandable. I recommend taking her class. Very informative.

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