
Rate My Professors (41)

ENG10 . 4 Months Ago

An incredible English 11 professor excels at teaching, especially on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She handles tense subjects with care and grace, focusing on uncovering political truths rather than mere opinions. Highly recommend her, she often invites visitors to speak, as a result there are never any dull moments!

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GLOBL1 . 2 Years Ago

Judging by what other people have said I might be alone in feeling this way, but I hated the way Ghosh lectured. She made really easy concepts seem way more complex than they were and I simply couldn't follow along her lectures. Nothing she said made sense to me. Class is very easy with posted lecture slides and papers graded super easily though.

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GLOBL1 . 2 Years Ago

Online midterm and final; she really hooked it up. Got an A on both midterm and final and only one B on one of the essays. I skipped 3 out of 10 sections and got a B in the class because of it. Just don’t skip section (even if it’s a waste of time) and you’ll be fine. Material is very basic in this course.

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GLOB1 . 2 Years Ago

Professor Ghosh is really sweet and made lectures very interesting. midterm and final were both straightforward, online, MC exams and the two writing assignments were super short. easy class but your grade definitely depends on the TA (mine was vague with their expectations and didn't provide any feedback on assignments which was frustrating)

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GLOBL1 . 2 Years Ago

Graded by sections, midterm, 2 2 page papers, + final. Attendance was optional for my section but TA was so engaging, also had us write 150 words/week. Midterm/final were multiple choice; questions can be misleading. Papers were easy/straightforward to complete. Very informative lectures, many interesting concepts. Class content is strangely broad.

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ENGL10 . 4 Years Ago

Ghosh is a really nice woman and her lectures are interesting if you like English. However, your grade solely depends on your TA. My TA was really nice, so that worked out. You don't have to attend lecture, but it does help writing papers. You do also have to read in order to write the essays. Unless you're really good at faking it lol.

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ENGL10 . 4 Years Ago

Ghosh is a sweet little lady, but obviously very liberal. Dont bother with lectures. Your grade is completely based on section participation and essays. As long as you read whatever book or poem you choose for the two papers, you will be just fine. You can scrape by in section without really reading if you catch the gist of the conversation.

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ENG10 . 4 Years Ago

Read just what you need to write your papers to save time. Participation in section matters, so you should at least know what to say if you didn't do the assigned reading. One midterm paper on a poem, a final paper on a novel. Office hours with TA Cortes was extremely helpful. If TA offers an opportunity for help on paper, take them up on it.

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ENG10 . 4 Years Ago

You have a few papers to write that are TA graded so your grade really depends on them. Ghosh is a good lecturer, but sometimes she goes really fast. Participation is only mandatory for section. I would recommend doing the readings if you actually want to learn.

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ENG10 . 4 Years Ago

Honestly, the grade totally depends on your TA. The professor doesn't grade any of the writing since it's such a big class. Lectures are not mandatory but is not horrible. Also didn't read any of the books and just the summaries and did just fine! Just go to TA office hours and ask him to read over your essay!

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GLOB1 . 5 Years Ago

Lectures are very dense, my hand cramped up every day from writing so fast, but overall a pretty easy class

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GLOBL1 . 5 Years Ago

She was a fantastic lecturer and her lectures were fairly interesting. You have to show up because she wont post her slides, but the lectures are far from boring. Once you become aware of how often she says right? or yeah? at the end of her sentences, it will become painful.

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GLOBL1 . 6 Years Ago

She's super sweet and I enjoyed listening to her lectures. She doesn't post her slides, so you kinda gotta show up. Not a lot of work, interesting topic, overall really liked it.

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ENG10 . 7 Years Ago

Prof Ghosh is a very sweet woman who genuinely cares about the subject she is teaching. Gave us a lot of opportunities to better our scores and gave us a wide variety of options. Lectures were pretty dense/dull. Just read and show up to section.

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ENG10 . 7 Years Ago

Professor Ghosh is clearly very intelligent and very interested in what she teaches. It's nice to see that she actually enjoys her job. Attending the lectures, while not necessary, is helpful in writing the essays (most grading is done by the TA, though). The style of lecture is rather dry, but the material she covered was interesting.

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ENGL10 . 12 Years Ago

The class attendance is not necessary. just read the books and you will be fine

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ENG36 . 12 Years Ago

This was supposed to be an ENGLISH class but it wound up being about india all the time. She seems to be very intelligent and knowledgeable but this was a weird class and hard to figure out what they were trying to teach. It's an elective and i would not recommend taking it by choice!

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ENG10 . 12 Years Ago

Lectures weren't necessary since your grade is based on separate assignments and section participation. Generally speaking, it was an average class but nothing too special.

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ENG10 . 12 Years Ago

Lectures were a bit dry. Boring at times. Material and grading really comes down to your TA. Pretty okay class

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ENGL10 . 12 Years Ago

Her lectures are absolutely useless as the class is not tested on anything in her lectures. It is a pretty easy class and only requires putting 3-5 hours in for each of the two essays. That is basically the only assignments in that class.

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ENGL10 . 13 Years Ago

Although I went to all of them, I felt like the lectures did not pertain to our assignments or papers at all! However, thankfully the class was still rather easy, sans the help of lectures, as long as you put in a few hours of work to each assignment. Discussion helped a lot. She says "yeah?" at the end of 1/2 her sentences.

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ENGL50 . 14 Years Ago

Interested in material and teaching, lectures were somewhat useful, but be prepared to think

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ENGL10 . 14 Years Ago

Professor Ghosh is the sweetest most lovable professor! English 10 was extremely interesting and she gives a reasonable amount of papers and time to do them in. She talks for long periods and her slides are jam packed with info but she is clearly very passionate about English. I ended up with an A, and my TA was absolutely amazing!

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ENG10 . 14 Years Ago

Lectures are useless, full of way too much information, and if she didn't take attendance via iClicker you wouldn't need to attend at all. Every other word she says is "right?" It is VERY distracting. On the other hand, the class is incredibly easy; no tests, just a few at home quizzes and two papers.

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