
Rate My Professors (248)

CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

She is simply one of the best professors. Specifically, she teaches the class in an engaging fashion and do sideline experiments in class to prove her point. She also teaches the class in a way that's easy to understand and also like to answer many questions.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Pretty clear on teaching skills but her exams are extremely difficult, she also relies heavily on ALEKS so make sure you keep up with the assignments that she posts. She is not lenient at all with grading. Overall, incredibly difficult class. She's known for "weeding" out students who cannot handle the pressure of college chemistry.

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CHEM1B . 13 Years Ago

Best professor I have ever had. She really cares about the students and works hard so that you will learn. I am sad that I will never get to take another class with her, she really is the best. Her tests are difficult but she is so clear in her teaching that you will do well.

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CHEM1B . 13 Years Ago

Best chem professor, too bad she's not teaching 1C!

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Van Koppen got me into chemistry. I came in dreading the fact that i had a year of chem ahead of me. go to office hours, she is smart and really helpful, plus a personal relationship helps! doing the book problems makes her class easy. 1 big tip: read the assigned text before class, making her lecture a review. best professor I've ever had.

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CHEMA . 13 Years Ago

Professor Van Koppen is one of the finest lecturers I have ever come across. She is extremely helpful in office hours and via email. The material is challenging but she makes it exciting with dozens of fun and exciting demonstrations. If you have to take chem, make sure it's with her.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Great professor, very helpful always, taking her for Chem 1B now, too.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Van Koppen is a great professor! Her presentation of the material is very clear and she is more than willing to help anyone that needs it! Quizzes and Exams are somewhat challenging, but Van Koppen posts old exams and quizzes online which are great for practice. I can't wait to take chem 1B with her next quarter. I highly recommend her for chem.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

One of the best professors I have ever met. She genuinely cares about the students and their successes in class. The tests and quizzes may be a bit challenging for multiple choicers at first, but by the end of the quarter, it becomes much easier than a written exam. Sends all her students emails before lectures to help them succeed!

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Good professor. genuinely love the subject that she covers. the exams are hard and tricky but the instruction is top notch!

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CHEM1B . 14 Years Ago

best chem teacher. may be a bit more difficult than other teachers, but she makes an effort to really teach you the subject. lectures are semi-interesting. just be sure to attend all of them and pay attention. she's super nice and will thoroughly answer your questions. loved the experiments in class! :] take CLAS

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CHEM1B . 14 Years Ago

Head of the Chemistry department; very enthusiastic about teaching. Tests are more difficult than other professors', but she is able to convey more difficult concepts to her students.

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CHEM1B . 14 Years Ago

The best Gen Chem teacher at UCSB! Goes over and beyond to help her students succeed!

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CHEM1 . 14 Years Ago

Extremely passionate and helpful professor. The tests are fair and not too difficult if you don't get behind. Her office hours are extremely beneficial if you want to understand the material

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CHEM1B . 14 Years Ago

A really nice lady. Very passionate about what she teaches. Wants her class to succeed. Tests are pretty hard and loves to focus on concepts that get really confusing. Probably the best chem teacher at ucsb. Go to office hours will often give you more tips and tricks in order to figure out problem. USE CLAS! Eric Engel is the man.

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CHEM1B . 14 Years Ago

Best professor at UCSB! Wants you to learn and succeed. If you're willing to learn she is willing to help. Lectures are great. Her tests are difficult so be sure to listen to her advice... work practice problems daily.

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

THis proffessor is excellent. Very clear and teaches Useful tricks to help. Test are easy if you pay attention and study a LITTLE bit. Looked at the book about 3 time whole quarter and still passed with a c+.

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

If you are going to take Chemistry, then take it from her. She is the best gen chem professor at UCSB. Her final is not easy, but if you understand the material then you can work through it and get the answer.

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

I'm not the best reasoning science student out there, so I'm already at a disadvantage. However, I can notice that she is a great professor and a surprisingly good teacher. She clearly tells you what is expected and needed to succeed, so any reason for failing her class is most likely due to the student. With hard work, there's no reason to fail.

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CHEM1 . 14 Years Ago

Van Koppen is so passionate about her class. The tests may be harder than those of other profs but I think she will give you a firmer grasp of the material. Definitely recommend her.

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

very helpful and enthusiastic. if you want to understand chemistry take her class

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

SAVE YOURSELF! took this class first quarter of freshman year...if you don't mind NOT having a social life, and feel like having sudden urges to throw yourself off of storke tower because of**** loads of hmwk and bad midterm grades, then by all means--take this class. really nice/ wants you to succeed, but a HARD CLASS, also, lab's 3 hours!!!!!!

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CHEM1A1B . 15 Years Ago

By far the best professor I've had at UCSB. She is very helpful and she covers EVERYTHING even extra! With her, if you get a bad grade it's because you didn't do the work; it's NOT because "she is a bad professor." YOU DIDN'T STUDY!!! GO to her office hours. She helps you so much to the point that you end up understanding everything! I am serious.

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CHEM1B . 15 Years Ago

Super helpful and nice. Tests aren't easy, but not hard. Study and ask questions

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