This professor is unprofessional when students approach to ask questions. She is very abrasive and aggressive and is known for making fun of her students during class. I was forced to drop the class because of a conflict with one of the test dates and she has no flexibility and will accuse you of trying to help others cheat.
Man Dr. Low is so funny but holy butt does she make her tests hard. Majority of questions on midterm and final are fill in the blank or short answer. Maybe five or six multiple choice thrown in at the beginning. The short answer isn't too bad as she sometimes gives partial credit but man the fill in the blanks would be the most obscure enzymes.
She was alright in hindsight. Just so much hecking content. This is definitely a class you want to do the reading.I feel that reading + slides + lectures should be enough, but there is just so much. Tests are quite difficult so be ready for that.
I thought Low was bad until I encountered Finkelstein. While she isn't the best professor, Low is sweet and seems to care about her students. Her lectures were okay, and heavily based on the textbook. Make sure to read the textbook. Exams were insanely difficult.
Prof. Low is pretty funny but her lectures are completely copied from the textbook (which is already a dense reading). Her tests are SUPER specific in regards to small parts on the lecture slides and that's what tripped me up. BELIEVE IN THE CURVE! I thought I would fail but I got a C-. Also do any extra credit!!
You never know how good you have it until it's gone. I was a Low hater until I experienced the second half of this class, the antichrist Ruth Finkelstein. Then I realized Low is actually a sweet angel sent from heaven and I would have given anything to get her back. That being said, her midterms are impossible, you WILL dedicate your life to them.
Not great, but compared to Finkelstein she's a saint. She is pretty funny and engaging in lecture, and her slides are basically all you need. Accessible in office hours, however she definitely isn't fond of giving verbose answers to questions. Expect very straightforward material with decently challenging exams. Would suggest looking at book.
Great lecturer, uses lots of examples to help you understand difficult concepts. Her midterms are super specific though and didn't seem to actually test your knowledge on the course material.. overall love the professor hate her midterms
Honestly AVOID at all cost. 66% was average on midterm 1 and the class is scaled not curved meaning your grade is determined by the top 5 highest scoring students (and only benefits the people who are already doing well). take small bio the majority of people get As and Bs
I refuse to hear slander on this woman. It's a hard class, but Low sets us up for success as long as we actually put in work. I put in super low effort and got the grade I deserved, but I was certainly given the resources I needed to succeed if I had used them. Her voice is a little quiet for a lecture hall of that size, but she always wore a mic.
Professor Low didn't really seem to care about her students very much and wasn't very accessible outside of class. Textbook readings were required to do well on the tests but for her lectures, she practically copied the textbook word for word so they didn't really add much to the material. The tests were extremely hard even with studying.
This class was incredibly hard, but you will get through it. Harder than chemistry for me personally. No matter how prepared you feel from studying the lectures and textbook, her midterms were unrealistically challenging and would pertain to one sentence of the textbook. I recommend to self-study as much as you can and memorize the lectures.
Professor Low was bad, but you can survive. Be prepared to learn completely independently, and low test averages. The tests are insanely unfair and take like one sentence from the textbook and make it a question. I recommend memorizing every word of the slides and understand it super well and you'll pass. Curve was 4 pts for me bc I had a B-
The tests were impossible no matter how hard you studied unless you could memorize the entire textbook. Her lectures were very rushed and confusing. I studied for two weeks for the final and still got a D because of how specific her questions were.
read the textbook!!! you basically have to memorize the whole thing in order to do well on the tests. she makes the questions extremely specific, so make sure you know sizes, functions, and all the little details you didn't think you'd need to know. khan academy was my bff in this class, as most of her lectures and textbook didn't make much sense
This class was hard work, by the end of the quarter I had about 600 flashcards and hundreds of pages of notes. Professor Low is a good lecturer though, she's funny and is clearly interested in the subject. Her tests are reasonable aside from the occasional question on something she skimmed over. Big curve helps, my 84 became an A-.
Lecture slides are word for word from the textbook with little additional detail from the professor. Test questions are on the smallest details not even covered in lecture and exams are over 80% of your grade.
Low is funny but lectures quickly & the material is DENSE. Get ready to rewatch lectures & USE ANKI!!! Multiple choice questions are actually from hell tho so good luck. Curve at the end helps a lot (the class average gets curved to a B-)
She tested the question that she barely mentioned in her lecture, you would never know which info she will test. Exams are extremely difficult and hard to understand.
This class was rough. Exams were impossibly detailed, and lectures were long and dense. Pay attention to every little thing she says out loud during lectures (which are recorded) and don't assume that they won't show up on the exams. The curve is really good though. Take advantage of the TA's office hours and the practice problems from the book.
Her lectures took me 3-4 hr to listen since it was really hard to understand. Although her curve was huge it brought be from a 67% to a C. Grades are mostly determined off your performance on the exams. Exam questions are worded very oddly and can trick you.
Wow. I literally went to every lecture, did every assignment, and read all the readings, and still got a D on her final. I don't understand what more I could've done. Curve was alright, brought me from a 83 to a B+. This is a tough class, mostly because her test questions are sometimes out of pocket or about the most tiny detail/ fact.
Her exams are crazy specific and she will literally pull things from the slides that were BARELY discussed. You practically have to memorize every single little detail. She explains well, but does move too fast in lectures and doesn't give people the chance to ask questions. There is absolutely no test prep except for weekly quizzes. Very difficult