Rate My Professors (14)

BLST1 . Stewart J C 3 Years Ago

I decided to take this class for summer credit & I was regretting it at first. However, Professor Stewarts lectures are entertaining and he only assigned us weekly blogs. They were roughly 600 words but completely doable. His final composed of 3 essays at roughly 1000 words. Besides this, I enjoyed this class & would recommend!!

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 3 Years Ago

Big essay for the final but overall a very interesting class. My favorite class for the online year.

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 4 Years Ago

This class is not an easy A or a throwaway GE, but the material is super engaging and the work is rewarding. The bulk of the grading is based on short writing assignments, a long take-home midterm essay, and a final group video project. Prof Stewart is quite accessible out of class and very receptive to student feedback. Definitely go to lecture!!

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 4 Years Ago

Prepare your hole for a 9000 word midterm exam. Lectures are also mandatory, which makes sense because no one would normally sit through something so stale. If you don't like it, you're sheet out of luck, this class can't be taken PNP..

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 4 Years Ago

If you are considering taking this class, I would recommend it because it is actually really cool but make sure you can handle the workload. There are 3-4 mandatory jazz performances, 4-5 blog posts (300 words each), a 10-15 pg midterm, final group project (video pres. & 8 pg paper), self/class evaluation, and 2 section presentations.

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ART1C . Stewart J C 5 Years Ago

Once a week class, uses an attendance code which a large part of your grade is dependent. Showed up twice because you are in a group and people sent the attendance code. As a group we had to write a large discussion every week. I didn't help because I was pass/nopass. I basically did nothing and passed, but I saw he graded the discussions harshly

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ART1C . Stewart J C 5 Years Ago

it's a really boring class, I only went twice in the whole semester. The class consists of group collaborations so if the person assigned to do work that week doesn't do the work, everyone kinda gets screwed. But overall it is really easy A class. Yet classs doesn't fulfill a GE requirement

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BLK45 . Stewart J C 6 Years Ago

He's a nice dude and the class is fairly easy because there is no assignments. They also don't put any grades in until the end of the quarter which sucks. The midterm is an essay. There is a LOT of reading required but I haven't done any of it and still felt pretty good on the midterm. He lectures a lot with little slides. I don't pay attention.

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 7 Years Ago

I took this hearing that it was an easy GE, but it takes too much time and effort. He makes you go to these jazz performances in IV almost every weekend, which is really a pain. The blog posts are graded harshly. He acted like he was doing us a favor by assigning a 10 page essay over a holiday weekend instead of a having an in class midterm.

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BLST1 . Stewart J C 7 Years Ago

cutest and most adorable prof I have had this far! he is so passionate it warms my heart, he is funny. this class opened my eyes to so much in the afro american community. Section is important so go, there are 4 500 word response questions through the quarter & a final (40% of grade) DO THE READING it helps with everything also its interesting

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BLST1 . Stewart J C 8 Years Ago

Show up and learn something useful in life from this guy. You'll leave the quarter with a new perspective and feeling empowered/less stupid regarding the important information on topics that we have problems with today.

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 10 Years Ago

Really genuine person and great professor! His ppts aren't the most helpful but he's a great lecturer and is really interesting to talk to. Pay attention to lectures and in section especially if you don't do the readings. Really cool dude.

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BLST14 . Stewart J C 10 Years Ago

Easy GE class and very interesting. Attendance is not mandatory but definitely interesting. Stewart is very funny and keeps class engaged for the most part. Reading helps for writing assignments but isn't really useful otherwise. Overall, easy A if you put in the time to cite sources on papers.

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BLK45 . Stewart J C 16 Years Ago

Hes actually a really nice teacher...hes very understanding and really tries hard to make the class interesting and hes a funny guy ralph lowi is such a good ta

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