
Rate My Professors (79)

CMPSC10 . 18 Years Ago

Can print out all of lectures. Kind of a strange guy, but knows what hes talking about. He doesnt explain that well however. If you know the stuff well you'll do good on the tests, likewise for the projects.

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CMPSC5JA . 18 Years Ago

stopped going to class after week one. Programs are comlicated but going to Section helps. You are basically on your own...he just goes over his slides in class. class is very boring. Take this class if you rally have to!

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CMPSC5JA . 18 Years Ago

I dont like his class but he can be cool. I dont know. Take his class if you really have to because it is really hard!!!!!! Believe me. It is....just complicated to understand...make sure you take the class if ur a cs major because this stuff is important

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CS5JA . 18 Years Ago

I had a lot of trouble with some of his projects, they can get pretty hard but they are cool when they work. He is kind of a jerk sometimes but overall he is a good teacher. Just make sure you pay a lot of attention in this class because some of the material is really complicated

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CS5JA . 19 Years Ago

better than jacobson, but the itself class sucks balls

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CS20 . 19 Years Ago

Cool professor and a good guy. Very clear and knowledgable. I went to his office hours every week just to talk. Fun class. Take him if you can!

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CS50 . 19 Years Ago

Lectures were boring just short of physical pain. I fell asleep in class with less than 10 other students in attendence. There are huge problems with this class in general, it's not entirely his fault that the course is a failure, but damn, he didn't help.

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CS50 . 19 Years Ago

decrepit man with a long-winded mouth; can make a long lecture of something petty; looks friendly to me when i meet him but very rude in his email. i am always polite but he's not. I really don't like this decrepit dude.

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CS10 . 19 Years Ago

He is very good lecturer, and provides all lecture notes on the internet(though he offers a lot of important side comments about the material in class). Go to class the day before the exam, as he tells you exactly whats on it. Projects are very tough, but class average is very low, so he scales it.

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CS5JA . 19 Years Ago

Great teacher!! His lectures are fun and he's so nice to the students. exams are pretty easy as long as you do the hw on your own and review them by heart. the avreage is curved to a B-, which is not bad:) (p.s. if only Jacobson could make clear lecture slides like he does....sigh..)

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CS5JA . 19 Years Ago

Power point slide after power point slide after powerpoint slide...lecture is very borring!!! There is very little benefit in going to lecture. Homework was relativly easy except the last assigntmet.

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CS10 . 19 Years Ago

His nerdliness can be a bit amusing sometimes, but it only adds to how unthreatening he is as a teacher. Very easy compared to some of the other CS teachers (ie Jacobson, who I had for CS20). Projects were trivially easy if you have solid experience in language other than Java.

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CS5JA . 19 Years Ago

Costanzo is a great guy. Very helpful. Although the programs can be tough, the midterms and final are straightforward and very fair.

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CS5JA . 19 Years Ago

One of the nicest ppl you'll meet and he knows CS. This class was extremely easy for me, so much so, that I felt annoyed with his lenient grading for those who didn't know anything. Great prof but don't think all CS classes will be this easy.

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CS10 . 19 Years Ago

Great and knowledgeable teacher. Organized and Interesting lectures! Class was Easy as hell except the final was pretty difficult.

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CS10 . 19 Years Ago

Very friendly and easy to understand. The class was very interesting. I'm considering double majoring or minoring in CS after this class. CS is fun!

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5JA . 19 Years Ago

I have decided against going into cs as a major because of this class. I guess its just hard for me? but he seemed like a good teacher

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CS10 . 19 Years Ago

Costanzo is very nice and his lectures are actually interesting

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COMPSCI5JA . 19 Years Ago

He is the worst teacher I've ever had! I was a computer science major before joining this class, and now I'm done! Never take his class, skip straight to comp. sci. 10, because if you take 5ja, you'll just be disapointed. If you do take his class, never work with other kids he says your cheating!

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CS12 . 19 Years Ago

After his class, i feel like I really know C. He was entertaining, nice, and taught pretty well.

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CMPSC50 . 20 Years Ago

He was a very nice, fun guy, but his lectures were somewhat boring and full of useless information. I had him for cs 50 (programming project), and my TA and the book basically got me through the class. Teacher assigned a few easy/boring written assignment

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CS10 . 20 Years Ago

This was one of the easiest classes I've ever taken, but I don't know if it was because of the professor or because of the class material. I didn't really learn much, though.

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CS12 . 20 Years Ago

hard teacher, hard assignments but midterms are not bad

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CMPSC10 . 20 Years Ago

Easy class, informative slides. I hardly went to lecture, but that should say something for how well he presents the material in the slides. Tests had some tricky ?'s, but overall not too hard. Really nice, energetic, funny guy. Recommend.

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