Mike Costanzo

79 reviews
Clear grading criteria Get ready to read Lecture heavy Group projects Gives good feedback Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework So many papers Respected Accessible outside class
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CS16 . 6 Years Ago

I got an A in CS8 with Mirza, then took CS16 with Costanzo. His lectures are very boring. Assignments started out as flat out repetition of CS8, and when new concepts were introduced they assignments suddenly turned very difficult. Costanzo is reluctant to help you if you don't get something, kinda acts like you should work by yourself to get it.

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CMPS16 . 6 Years Ago

He is the worst professor at all. His classes are boring, the sections are not helping at all. DON"T TAKE HIS CLASS

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CS16 . 7 Years Ago

Lectures are dry. He is treating CS as a liberal course and focusing too much on concepts and definitions of different syntax and structures for both lectures and exams, because he majored in geography from bachelor to Ph.D. Not recommend to take Costanzo's courses.

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CS48 . 7 Years Ago

Had Costanzo for CS16,24,32, and 48, got an A or A- in each class. Costanzo has the most efficient grading system out of the most CS professors. There's never any final, just 3 midterms. Grades are updated regularly (tests take a week). Costanzo's powerpoint lectures are a bit dry, and his exams come right off from the reading.

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CS24 . 8 Years Ago

Take Constanzo for as many classes as you can before he retires or dies. Super chill and relaxed professors and really wants to give out as many A's as possible. Go to class, do the assignments, and read the textbook and you'll succeed.

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CS48 . 9 Years Ago

He is a nice professor, but the class is a lot of work! Expect to be putting lots of free time towards the project

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CS16 . 9 Years Ago

I completed Michael's projects every projects in about 20 minutes or fewer. Some students complained this course was hard. In my opinion it's not instructor's fault. If your CS background is not that good, read the book , understand the syntax , keep coding and then get A. CM's lectures include everything appeared in the test.

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CMPSC8 . 9 Years Ago

Best class taken so far, I have a much better understanding of how python and problem solving writing basic code works. Would definitely recommend his class over others even though he sometimes spends a long time with examples that are kind of boring.

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CS3248 . 9 Years Ago

OG Costanzo. His project in CS32 was my favorite lower division project. He sighs a lot and his lectures aren't that fun but sometimes he will go on extremely down to earth tangents about lifecareers which are a breathe of fresh air from ego-driven academia. In CS48 he sincerely said how proud he was after seeing our projects and it meant a lot.

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CS48 . 9 Years Ago

The class is pretty straightforward, you work on one project throughout the quarter. Just make sure you work with people that will do their part. There is only 1 test thats worth 25% so don't screw it up. Overall, its a great class that gives you a sense of how software engineers work in the real world. I recommend it.

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CS24 . 10 Years Ago

His tests and homeworks are more conceptual rather than application. Easy A if you done the reading, labs and paid attention to his lecture.

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CS24 . 10 Years Ago

Sat in the front and fell asleep every day, PowerPoint lectures in a dimmed room suck. If you can stay awake, it's an easy A. Read the book, all the answers to your questions are inside. Actually very good at explaining things, just has a really monotonous voice. Be prepared to be tested not on coding, but on vocab and workings of data structures.

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