
Rate My Professors (89)

ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

cute old man, with a turkish accent. the material is kind of boring but it wasn't too bad. it's not neccessary to do ALL of the reading, just know the images and buildings. paper's not too hard either.

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

this was the worst class i've ever taken. I couldnt understand anything the professor said. you're better off skipping lecture and just reading the textbook.

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ARTHI103B . 15 Years Ago

rude, hard grader. the material was outrageously boring, and he only made it worse. don't take it unless you're a boy.

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

This class was not difficult. Tests consisted of 2 comparison essays, 10 or so identification slides, 3 or 4 defining terms, and some true or false questions. Just memorize the images on the list and a couple defining characteristics about each and you'll be fine. Also, do you're paper a little early and have your ta look at it--this helps.

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

I am an Art History Major and I really do love the subject. Unfortunately, Yegul's poor teaching style kept me from attending the class. We played "Fikret Bingo" because of his ridiculous catchphrases and I learned nothing about art. He only talks about architecture in his lectures and its frankly infuriating. I wish he used better slides.

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AH103B . 15 Years Ago

TERRIBLE Professor. Unclear, rude, and mean. Grading was very unfair. Does not believe in partial credit. Did not seem he even read the final. TERRIBLE!

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

Not a hard class, just lots to memorize, and not a class to get behind in because on the midterm there was 60+ slides and the final was about 80+. You don't have to go to lecture or do all the reading, just read about the artworks on the art lists and listen in section. Prof. is a bit dry but he's a good guy and very passionate about Roman baths.

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

This class wasn't too bad. You have to memorize a lot of images and know something about each of them, but that's not that hard. Lectures got really boring sometimes. Especially when he goes on about floor plans. If you sit with a group of friends it can be fun though, because he has some catch phrases that are fun to listen for, "as it were."

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HIST6A . 15 Years Ago

The class requires A LOT of memorization. By the final I had about 250-300 flash cards I had to know!...including images, and some terms But I nailed the final because I memorized it all. So basically STUDY, GO TO LECTURE. Stuff in lectures ended up on the tests. Most find it boring though. but DO NOT PROCRATINATE.

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HIST6A . 15 Years Ago

The class requires

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

Let me give an objective description of the class: puts two slides up next to each other with no words on the screen and he talks about them. Has a monotone voice. The subject matter is art history. The tests require you to memorize about 50-100 ids/terms. If this combination can work for you then take the class, for me I regret the class.

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ARTHI6A . 15 Years Ago

First of all, if you don't have to take his class, DON'T. Seriously, unless you're an art history major or you KNOW you're interested in art history, choose a different class to fill those GEs. The tests are basically all memorizing the images and their context information. If you're not interested in ArtHi then this class is a total bore.

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ARTH6A . 17 Years Ago

He was a really good prof and is excited about what he teaches. That always makes a lecture more interesting. He was very helpful and liked for students to communicate with him.

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

He has so much to say! THis man is an awesome guy! haha you get to see him in a towl when you get to the part about Roman baths, he made a roman bath and showed a movie of it. THis man is very hilarious, but he is so in a subtle way. Pay attention to him in lecture, it is obvious what he wants on the test. Super easy!

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

The lectures can be really boring sometimes but the things he teaches are really interesting if you're into art. He gives his best lectures when it comes to Roman art...he obviously loves the subject. It's helpful if you have a good TA cuz you can get lost pretty quickly. I find it helpful to read AFTER he gives his lectures

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ARTHI6A . 17 Years Ago

Obviously very passionate about his subject. He's very knowledgeable and the class is interesting, but exams involve lots of memorization.

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6A . 18 Years Ago

He has a thick accent that is hard to also tend to zone out, but he pauses alot [sometimes for 20 seconds plus]so it is easy to jump back in.

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ARTHISTORY6A . 18 Years Ago

Oh Fikret...he is amazing. I know everybody thinks he is boring and miserable to listen to, but if you really pay attention to the knowledge that this guy has, you learn to appreciate him. 6A covered an wonderful scope of art and taught me how to appreciate it. If you ever plan on going to Rome, then take this class. You will know everything.

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ARTHISTORY6A . 18 Years Ago

HORRIBLE. Don't take Art History if he is your professor. He will RUIN the subject for you.

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ARTHI6A . 18 Years Ago

extremely boring teacher. He just goes over every single picture slide and talk about how "fascinating" those achitect and drawings are. It's all memorization so if you think you're good at memorizing things, you should take this class.

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ARTHIST6A . 18 Years Ago

I really loved the class although I was expecting more Medieval art. Sure he had monotone but he talked about interesting things and he was poetic and a bit funny sometimes. Tests were not bad at all if you attend lectures and sections you can even accurately predict what will be on them. The reading just helps to add extra stuff to your answers.

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