Fikret Yegul

89 reviews
Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Tests are tough Lecture heavy Graded by few things
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ARTHI103C . 8 Years Ago

Yegul has a superiority complex and isn't afraid to be ostentatious of his knowledge. He presents information in a mundane & tedious fashion,that ensures even the most optimistic student's moral to deter. If you want a difficult class, an extremely subjective hard grader, and ridiculously specific tests, take any of his classes. But Seriously Dont

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ARTHI103B . 9 Years Ago

Incredibly boring lectures; really fails to make the subject matter interesting and engaging. On top of that, his tests are very nit-picky and difficult.

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ARTHI103A . 10 Years Ago

Deducts points like crazy. Expects you to memorize everything. Interesting class overall if you're actually curious about roman architecture.

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ARCH136X . 11 Years Ago

I was very disappointed after taking his course. He is a very hard grader. He will find anything in his quizzes to take points off. I was very dedicated to his class and did all the reading, never missed a lecture and he would still find a reason to grade harshly. Please do yourself a favor and dont take him!

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ARTHI6A . 11 Years Ago

People may bag on Yegul's accent--yet for me, it made the class much more interesting and enjoyable. I felt like I was watching a history channel presentation every lecture. If you attend lecture, take notes (more applicable to the test then textbook), and make picture flash cards (not a lot of work)--you will get a good grade.

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ARTHIM . 11 Years Ago

Yegul's accent isn't that bad I can understand everything he says. Sure his voice is pretty boring, but I think section makes up for what you don't get for Yegul. Pretty easy class. If you're good at memorization you'll get a good grade just read the textbook.

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ARTH6A . 11 Years Ago

He gives you a list of over 100 vocab words and even more pictures, and they aren't organized by time period. Basically this course requires a lot of work outside of class, as his lecture jumps all over the place and goes in no particular order. If you read the book and take a lot of notes though it is pretty easy to get an A.

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ARTHINO . 11 Years Ago

Took Culture of Architecture with him as well as 6A. 6A was pretty boring, he put me to sleep some days but it's all just memorizing pictures and dates, 136X there was way more artistic involvement. Also he can be heard in a 40 person class, the accent is sometimes too much in the 6A lecture hall but he's worth taking an upper-div from!

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ARTHI6A . 12 Years Ago

This class is almost entirely dependent on your ability to memorize artworks and facts relating to them. The course is relatively easy and I recommend that people refer to the course website for the best info on assignments and for use as a study tool.

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ARTHI6A . 12 Years Ago

The class if boring. Can't understand anything he's saying. Said material from before the midterm wouldn't be on the final, then turns out the final is cumulative. Good luck, Yegul is just all around terrible.

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ARTHI0184 . 13 Years Ago

One of the worst classes i ever took. Basically, if you enjoy memorizing about 100 useless facts such as exact dates and locations that boring arches and buildings are made, then this class is for you and good luck. Other than that, lectures put me to sleep, and my section TA couldn't identify what good writing looks like. I'd avoid this class.

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ARTHI6A . 13 Years Ago

Class is pure easy memorization, all you have to do is study images from the website and book. Tests were easy if you study hard they're basically just IDing pictures on the screen. There's one easy essay for the quarter 5-7 pages. Lectures are boring but Yegul is an absolute expect on the on subject. Great class since is fulfills alot of GEs

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