
Rate My Professors (39)

CHEM1A . 11 Years Ago

He is pretty enthusiastic about chemistry--does a good amount of demos. But near the end of the quarter he sped through the material and it got harder to keep up. He cares about his students so that is a plus.

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CHEM1A . 11 Years Ago

Very boring lectures, hard to comprehend. Only passed the class because of CLAS tutoring. Tests were easy.

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CHEM1A . 11 Years Ago

Standerson will email you after every quiz and exam and apologize for putting up the wrong grade on gauchospace. But honestly, he was an extremely fair grader and for a class meant to weed out pre-bio majors, he really tries to help out your grade. Do the text book problems!

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

He's a nice fella. Makes a few mistakes but he's a good professor. He throws in a few jokes here and there. Didn't use the iCLicker too much and that's unfortunate because I like using those. His overall class was semi difficult. That was just me because I suck at chem.

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Personally enjoyed his lectures and demonstrations; Has a sweet old sense of humor; A bit hard to stay awake in his 8am class; His sends out daily emails giving hmwk and advice to prepare for lecture (SUPER HELPFUL!); Quizzes, midterms & finals were fair and mostly from textbook hmwk; Has an extra credit question on all exams!

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Loves to help. Go to his office hours. If you do better on your final than you did on your midterms, he counts your final for 80% of your grade instead of 40%. Totally saved my grade. Nice, caring, passionate about Chem. Makes mistakes here and there but they're minimal and really? No one's perfect. Take him if you're given the chance!

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Prof Anderson loves chemistry; he often talks about his childhood and it is clear how passionate about chem he is. He does make little mistakes while doing out problems on the chalkboard, though if you know your stuff its not a big deal. Definitely do the readings. Midterms are straightforward; final wasn't bad either. Great professor to have.

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

I had 8 AM chem. It was truly boring and I fell asleep every lecture. He goes super fast, and if you don't read, you will get lost. His tests are average, but I failed the final, which screwed up my grade. Thank god I passed. Regardless, attend class, and stay ahead. He is not a good chem teacher, if you don't fully know the chapter.

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Really sweet and old, but makes some stoich mistakes during lecture. He goes pretty fast and assumes you know what he's talking about, and you should if you do the problems he emails you the night before lecture (which really help!). Not too bad a class if you took chemistry in high school. Don't slack off after Thanksgiving, it'll kill your grade.

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Decent teacher but makes mistakes a little too often. Easy class if you come in with a solid understanding of Chem, since it's basically high school chem. However, the quizzes and midterms are more difficult thank what is covered so I recommend doing the assigned reading/bookwork. Also, the exams are nothing like the ones in the archive. :/

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CHEM1 . 12 Years Ago

Very fair grader, decent tests, and clear lectures. I recommend doing the "optional" textbook problems that he assigns. He is a great teacher and the class is basically just high school chemistry.

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CHEM1A . 12 Years Ago

Has that funny grandpa kind of vibe. Class is extremely easy if you come in with a good grasp of basic chemistry, but I've heard that it's pretty tough if not. Never read from the book and got an A.

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CHEM1 . 12 Years Ago

He is an okay professor. He is a little boring and makes a lot of mistakes on the board, but he is a nice guy and his midterms and quizzes are pretty easy.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Really nice guy who loves chemistry. The class requires some work but is one of the easier professors. His class is almost the exact same as Van Koppen's

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

overall a pretty good teacher. he really cares about what he is teaching and he is adorable (in an old man kind of way). the tests are kind of hard so you definitely need to study and not get behind.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Professor Anderson is very passionate about Chemistry and does a very good job explaining the subject matter. He's so old and cute like a little grandpa and tells dorky jokes that keep the class interesting.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

The lectures outline & give details of the material but you will need MUCH practice to succeed. Professor Anderson is a pleasure to talk to, if you have free time visit him during office hours. The course moves quickly for those without chemistry experience, otherwise it should be mostly review.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Pretty difficult course. Assumes you understand what he talks about and starts to advance very quickly. iClicker was pointless considering half the class would answer differently (HINT PROF: ITS A SIGN THAT PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING). Final was pretty easy though.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

If you are an average student like me who studies countless of hours and still does not get the grade that shows your studying, don't take this class. I study 3-4 hours a day and i barely could get a B because there isn't a curve. No point in getting 100% on hw since he drops the lowest one. I wish he gave extra credit for those who complete 100%HW

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Really wished he curved based on the average but he doesn't. So averages mean nothing. You have to do well on all your tests exams to do well in this class. Not an easy class but would recommend this professor if you want to learn. If you want a curved class, i'll recommend someone else.

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CHEM1A . 13 Years Ago

Not an easy class and there is no curve in this class. However, he is a nice professor like people said but the material is really hard and having no curve just sucks. And idk what that kid was smoking, he does not sound like hermit the frog

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

Stan Anderson is one of the nicest people I have come across so far in my life. I hate chemistry, but his passion and love for the subject made me want to learn about it. He reminds me a lot of Mr. Rogers. I highly recommend selecting him as your chem prof if he is available. Attend lecture and do your work and the class will be a breeze.

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CHEM1A . 14 Years Ago

Really nice guy. First midterm was easy, second was harder and final was medium. I got an easy B in the class and I didn't give the class a lot of effort

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CHEM1A . 15 Years Ago

Nice man and enthusiastic about the material. Interesting demos, iClicker is used. Not the clearest in explaining general concepts but lecture is somewhat helpful.

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